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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006067SOGoWeb Calendarpublic2025-03-18 11:07
Reporterpierfu Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Platform[Server]OSDebian GNU/LinuxOS Version10
Product Version5.11.2 
Summary0006067: User option to automatically add external invitations to personal agenda

Is there a way to add this, when invitations come from outside SOGo-managed domains, like Gmail does ?

It seems not possible to do this if a user is not connected on webmail, because it needs an active IMAP connexion.
But it would be nice to activate this as soon as a user reads an email where SOGo detects invitations, instead of relying on user interaction (buttons Accept / Decline / etc.).

Is it already on a roadmap ?

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Christian Mack

Christian Mack

2025-03-13 15:30

developer   ~0018124

The invitations are attached to emails.
Automatically reading emails is only possible, if SOGo has access to the emails.
It accesses emails via IMAP.
Access via IMAP is only possible, as long as the user is logged in via web interface, as SOGo does not know the password of the user.
Therefore automatic addition of events from invitations would only be possible, as long as the user is logged in.

But sometimes you get invitations you do not want to accept (even Spammers are sending invitations!).
Because of that you have to manually accept events from external invitation emails in SOGo.

Frankly, I do not see the benefit of automatically adding events from external invitations.
Which use case do you see here?



2025-03-14 09:16

reporter   ~0018132

Hello Christian,

this seems hugely used by big messaging solutions, and is actually asked by some clients, who receive a lot of external invitations.
Some people feel a need that their agenda is constantly updated, without having to interactively treating invitations from emails readling.

Important precision : in no case that would mean automatically ACCEPT invitations, only ADD them to agenda so they are visible.



2025-03-18 07:12

reporter   ~0018133

We can understand pierfu's wish, as a lot of (mainly web-based) programmes for mail/calendar management offer this option and this is obviously also used.
You could make the option Automatically add invitations (as unconfirmed) to the calendar configurable and set the default value to off. Then you have the current behaviour (as preferred by me, our colleagues and also Mr Mack) and anyone who wants to can use it.

But let's be honest: I still see so many SoGo construction sites, errors and opportunities for improvement in the user interface that I would actually advise against opening a new construction site with new potential problems. To understand: 0006085. 0006048, 0005820, 0005896, ... and many of them are very small issues with big effort.

Translated with (free version)



2025-03-18 11:07

reporter   ~0018134

Tks for your precisions @bahnkonzept

No rush indeed, i know a lot bug fixing has priority over this kind of feature, but it would be good to know if it is on a TODO already or would be added to.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-19 15:08 pierfu New Issue
2025-03-13 15:30 Christian Mack Note Added: 0018124
2025-03-14 09:16 pierfu Note Added: 0018132
2025-03-18 07:12 bahnkonzept Note Added: 0018133
2025-03-18 11:07 pierfu Note Added: 0018134