View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005896SOGoWeb Calendarpublic2025-03-13 10:00
Reporterbahnkonzept Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version5.9.0 
Summary0005896: Imported Web-Calendars shows show shifted times after daylight saving time change

When importing calendars from another instance (in our case: also SoGo 5.9.0), appointments are displayed shifted by one hour after a change of daylight saving time. In this specific case, this concerns appointments that were created before the change of daylight saving time.

Please find attached some pictures for appointments before (correct display) and after (incorrect display) change daylight saving time.

Steps To Reproduce

Important: For tracking, the date must be after a change of daylight saving time (next change seen from the end of October 2023: Sunday, 31 March 2024.

1) User A releases calendar from Sogo instance 1 authenticated via WebDAV ICS URL
2) User B takes over this calendar in Sogo instance 2 from the WebDAV ICS URL after user A has authenticated himself.
3) User A creates an appointment in his calendar for 8 a.m.
4) User B updates his calendar
5) Appointment appears (with change from summer to winter time) at 7 a.m.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-10-30 22:40 bahnkonzept New Issue
2023-10-30 22:40 bahnkonzept File Added: ScreenshotCalendarOriginalBeforeDSTchange.png
2023-10-30 22:40 bahnkonzept File Added: ScreenshotCalendarImportedBeforeDSTchange.png
2023-10-30 22:40 bahnkonzept File Added: ScreenshotCalendarOriginalAfterDSTchange.png
2023-10-30 22:40 bahnkonzept File Added: ScreenshotCalendarImportedAfterDSTchange.png