SOGo - Change Log
Released 2012-06-16
0001536: [GUI] Sogo does not restart while upgrading (jraby) 0001821: [Web Preferences] filtering: match all messages (francis) 0000867: [Backend Calendar] EXDATE not properly parsed (francis) 0001797: [Web Mail] Web mail handling of empty Subject (francis) 0001818: [Web Calendar] turning calendars on and off is not done in calendars list (francis) 0001596: [Web Calendar] "Upload" button pressable multiple times (francis) 0001795: [Web Calendar] Multiple resource reservation when there is repeating event 0001594: [SOPE] In -[NSObject(KeyValueCoding) takeValue:forKey:] This method is deprecated, use -setValue:forKey: --with patch (ludovic) 0001819: [Web Mail] SOGo parses sieve rules in DB ignoring SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled (ludovic) 0001741: [Web Mail] sogo crashes when trying to create a new mail while the database is down (ludovic) 0001638: [Backend Mail] SIGABRT when clicking 'sharing' on a non existent IMAP folder (ludovic) 0001608: [Backend General] More password schemes for SQL backend (ludovic) 0001816: [Backend General] LDAP group expanding fails due to case-sensitive objectClass search (ludovic) 0001664: [Backend General] exceptions on 64Bit with gnustep-base-1.24.0 (ludovic) 0001817: [Packaging (Debian)] Patch for SOPE on GNU/kFreeBSD (ludovic) 0001820: [Packaging (Debian)] SOPE build fix for arm (ludovic)
16 issues View Issues