View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006091SOGoWeb Mailpublic2025-02-19 18:21
Reporterwimmer Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version5.11.2 
Summary0006091: Label removal

Message label is removed when opening message in new window

Steps To Reproduce

I open the message and do:

  • I label it -> the label is set and displayed
  • I click on the "Open in New Mail Window" icon -> a new window with the message content opens and the label is removed at the same time
  • the same thing happens with the "View ram message" command
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2025-02-19 18:21

reporter   ~0018093

Dear SoGo-Team,

we cofirm, that the labels are now lost when using the functions

  • Open in New Mail Window (e.g. in INBOX) as well
  • Edit Mail (e.g. in DRAFT)

We are using the labels to organize the work between different people in the company and it's not funny to loose the labels every time.
Could you fix this in 5.12 please? Thank you an best regards.

The Bahnkonzept team from Dresden/Germany

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-13 11:08 wimmer New Issue
2025-02-19 18:21 bahnkonzept Note Added: 0018093