View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006084SOGoWeb Preferencespublic2025-02-11 07:36
Reporterdanbet Assigned Toqhivert  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platform[Server] LinuxOSDebianOS Version8 (Jessie)
Product Version5.11.2 
Summary0006084: Cannot add a MIME certificate to my IMAP account

When adding a certificate from a PKCS12# file, I only get the message "An error occurred while importing the certificate. Please check your password." The following entry can be found in the sogo.log log file: sogod[1383:1383] FATAL: could not parse PKCS12 certificate with provided password: unsupported.

Steps To Reproduce

Select the gear, then Email, IMAP accounts. Select the relevant account and edit it. Switch to the Security tab, select the certificate and enter the password.

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2025-02-04 14:45

administrator   ~0018061

Sogo use the openssl library on your machine. So it's the problem with openssl and/or your certificate, not with sogo. Maybe the openssl on debian is too old for your certificate? You could try to read your certificate with the openssl cli to test ->



2025-02-10 20:07

reporter   ~0018075

I had created the PKCS12 file that I wanted to use for the import with Firefox by creating a certificate export there. It worked everywhere I wanted to import this file, except for SOGo, so I reported this.
But you're right, openssl cannot work with file created by Firefox. I've now created a new one with openssl, which I can read into SOGo.
Thank you very much for the tip about openssl. You can close this ticket.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-03 13:33 danbet New Issue
2025-02-04 14:45 qhivert Note Added: 0018061
2025-02-04 14:45 qhivert Assigned To => qhivert
2025-02-04 14:45 qhivert Status new => feedback
2025-02-10 20:07 danbet Note Added: 0018075
2025-02-10 20:07 danbet Status feedback => assigned
2025-02-11 07:36 qhivert Status assigned => resolved
2025-02-11 07:36 qhivert Resolution open => fixed