View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006082SOGoActiveSyncpublic2025-02-03 03:09
Reporterleecher Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Platform[Client] MicrosoftOSWindowsOS Version7
Product Version5.10.0 
Summary0006082: Outlook EAS client always runs into Authnetication error after some time forcing user confirm login data

I setup SOGo using MySQL authentication:

SOGoUserSources = (
type = sql;
id = users;
viewURL = "mysql://xxx:yyy@";
canAuthenticate = YES;
isAddressBook = YES;
displayName = "Benutzer";
userPasswordAlgorithm = md5;

I added a bigger EAS account to various Outlook installations (also with different Outlook versions, it doesn't matter, occurs on all of them).
The Outlook Client authenticates fine and tries to sync EAS elements which also seems to work.
After a while, i.e. 10 Minutes, I get the following entry in sogo.log:

Feb 03 03:28:59 sogod [17012]: "POST /SOGo/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Sync& HTTP/1.1" 200 13864846/4343 2.159 - - 18M - 13
Feb 03 03:29:01 sogod [17012]: <0x0x556df1ce6500[SOGoDAVAuthenticator]> tried wrong password for user ''!
Feb 03 03:29:01 sogod [17012]: "POST /SOGo/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Sync&
&DeviceType=WindowsOutlook15 HTTP/1.1" 401 12/4343 0.002 - - 0 - 14

The auth data is 100% correct. It causes users to be prompted with a login-popup.
It happens sporadically on multiple machines and is making users mad.
What can be done about it, how to diagnose the issue?

grep "tried wrong password for" sogo.log

Feb 03 03:01:16 sogod [18531]: <0x0x556df6578170[SOGoDAVAuthenticator]> tried wrong password for user ''!
Feb 03 03:13:57 sogod [19843]: <0x0x556df147ecf0[SOGoDAVAuthenticator]> tried wrong password for user ''!
Feb 03 03:29:01 sogod [17012]: <0x0x556df1ce6500[SOGoDAVAuthenticator]> tried wrong password for user ''!

Additional Information

I checked open file descriptor limits, they are all normals:

for pid in $(pgrep -u sogo sogod); do echo "PID: $pid - Open files: $(ls /proc/$pid/fd | wc -l)"; done
PID: 2166 - Open files: 11
PID: 3469 - Open files: 9
PID: 5153 - Open files: 9
PID: 6157 - Open files: 11
PID: 7314 - Open files: 13
PID: 8486 - Open files: 26
PID: 9985 - Open files: 11
PID: 12549 - Open files: 14
PID: 13423 - Open files: 9
PID: 16324 - Open files: 9
PID: 16830 - Open files: 8
PID: 17012 - Open files: 10
PID: 17764 - Open files: 11
PID: 20598 - Open files: 9
PID: 21168 - Open files: 9
PID: 26669 - Open files: 9
PID: 27404 - Open files: 11
PID: 30824 - Open files: 13
PID: 31450 - Open files: 10
PID: 31666 - Open files: 9
PID: 31775 - Open files: 13

I checked MySQL database connection limits:

MariaDB [sogo]> show variables like 'max_connections';
| Variable_name | Value |
| max_connections | 151 |
1 row in set (0,001 sec)

MariaDB [sogo]> show status like 'max_used_connections';
| Variable_name | Value |
| Max_used_connections | 60 |
1 row in set (0,000 sec)

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-03 03:09 leecher New Issue