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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006080SOGowith SOGopublic2025-01-29 12:21
Reporterroccoro Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version5.11.2 
Summary0006080: Sogo OOM with memcached enabled.

After update to RockyLinux 9.5 (from Rocky 9.4) i get Sogo OOM error when Memcached is enabled. OOM happen's within 5 minutes.
The OOM is triggered with both Sogo version 5.10.0 and 5.11.2 (i didn't tested versions in between).
I have two servers with same versions of OS/packages and OOM happens on both.
Memcached version is 1.6.9.

The Sogo is running fine without Memcached, there is only a bunch of next errors in sogo.log:
an error occurred when caching value for key 'random-user/event': "NO SERVERS DEFINED"

How can i disable this logs? Do you have any information about newer versions of Memcached and do you think newer version of Memcached could solve the OOM errors?

Steps To Reproduce

Enabling the memcached would trigger the OOM.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-29 12:21 roccoro New Issue