View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005829SOGoBackend Mailpublic2025-03-10 13:38
Reporterflorian Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version5.8.4 
Summary0005829: configure global IMAP labels / flags in config file

As described in manual

To successfully synchronize Outlook email categories, a corresponding mail label (Preferences→Mail Options) has to be created manually in SOGo for each label defined in Outlook. The name in SOGo and in Outlook must be identical.

It would be great if these labels would not have to be created manually in each SOGo mailbox, but could be defined globally in the SOGo config file.

TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0005843 new Central management of labels (keywords) for all users 


Christian Mack

Christian Mack

2025-03-06 09:54

developer   ~0018113

It can be defined globally, but it will only be visible for newly created accounts.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-07-20 12:46 florian New Issue
2025-03-06 09:54 Christian Mack Note Added: 0018113
2025-03-10 13:38 Christian Mack Relationship added related to 0005843