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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005602SOGowith SOGopublic2024-07-23 05:04
Reporterhexagon Assigned Tosebastien  
Status assignedResolutionfixed 
Product Version5.7.1 
Fixed in Version5.11.0 
Summary0005602: When trying to print mutiple mails, there are always one page with the mail title, a blank page and a page with the attachments

If you want to print a mail conversation sogo usually makes a titel page, a blank page and a page with your

Steps To Reproduce

Just go to your mails and print them, you have to print mutiple mails at once.

Tagsprinting, sogo, webmail




2022-09-15 09:51


Screenshot_33.png (31,930 bytes)   
Screenshot_33.png (31,930 bytes)   
Screenshot_1.png (13,577 bytes)   
Screenshot_1.png (13,577 bytes)   


2022-09-15 10:14

reporter   ~0016225

It only happens in chrome, in firefox it comes out normal



2023-03-29 17:44

reporter   ~0016764

As per latest Firefox 111.0.1 this problem exists in Firefox too. Tested on Windows 10,11,Fedora37,Ubuntu22.04 with Edge,Firefox,Chrome,Chromium,Opera. This blank page drives me nuts..

P.s.: Outlook / Thunderbird printing is not affected.



2023-03-29 17:45

reporter   ~0016765

Also SoGo Version 5.8.0 ( 202303022257)



2023-10-18 09:54

reporter   ~0017388

Problem is the use of the "page" css property, which Firefox supports only from version 110 ( SOGo obviously uses this property to separate the emails in a useful way. From my point of view, the corresponding div (<div class="WordSection1">) should not be used to split the body of the email, but the entire email.

We have helped ourselves in this way and add the following CSS:
@media print {
.sg-block-print div.SOGoHTMLMail-CSS-Delimiter.mailer_htmlcontent div[class^="WordSection"] {
page: auto !important;

Hope it helps or Alinto improves the print. ;-)



2023-11-19 17:02

reporter   ~0017446

Thanks @Rob, for the suggestion. We initially wanted to adopt it to relieve the SoGo team, but then realised that the change would not have survived the next update. As we also have to live with the nightly builds due to other changes (e.g. 0005490), we would have to make the change again with every update.

As per latest Firefox 115.4.0 this problem still exists (on Windows 10/11), we would be very grateful if the SoGo team could either
a) incorporate @Rob's suggestions into their standard CSS and then deliver them again with every update
b) create the possibility to add their own additions to the standard CSS in an update-proof manner.

Thank you and best regards,

the Bahnkonzept team form Dresden/Germany



2024-03-06 09:08

administrator   ~0017635

Hi all,

Can you provide an eml of the problem ?




2024-03-06 19:13

reporter   ~0017640


the eml of an mail which shows the problem was sent to you?
A guess (if allowed): the problem seems to occur more often with HTML mails from Outlook.

Thank you and best regards,

the Bahnkonzept team from Dresden/Germany



2024-03-11 15:32

administrator   ~0017651

Problem reproduced, added suggested fix in commit : (NB 20230312)




2024-07-23 05:02

reporter   ~0017778

Dear SoGo-Team,

unfortunately the problem still exists on some (around 50%, not all!) mails, mainly from business environments. Could you have a look to these mails (eml will follow) too and check, if you can solve it there too?

Please find an anonymized PDF printout attached.

Thank and best regards,

The Bahnkonzept-team from Dresden/Germany

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-09-15 09:51 hexagon New Issue
2022-09-15 09:51 hexagon Tag Attached: printing
2022-09-15 09:51 hexagon Tag Attached: sogo
2022-09-15 09:51 hexagon Tag Attached: webmail
2022-09-15 09:51 hexagon File Added: Screenshot_33.png
2022-09-15 09:51 hexagon File Added: Screenshot_1.png
2022-09-15 10:14 hexagon Note Added: 0016225
2023-03-29 17:44 rpapazov Note Added: 0016764
2023-03-29 17:45 rpapazov Note Added: 0016765
2023-10-18 09:54 rof Note Added: 0017388
2023-11-19 17:02 bahnkonzept Note Added: 0017446
2024-03-06 09:08 sebastien Note Added: 0017635
2024-03-06 09:08 sebastien Assigned To => sebastien
2024-03-06 09:08 sebastien Status new => feedback
2024-03-06 19:13 bahnkonzept Note Added: 0017640
2024-03-11 15:32 sebastien Note Added: 0017651
2024-03-11 15:32 sebastien Status feedback => resolved
2024-03-11 15:32 sebastien Resolution open => fixed
2024-03-11 15:32 sebastien Fixed in Version => 5.11.0
2024-07-22 19:53 sebastien Status resolved => assigned
2024-07-23 05:02 bahnkonzept Note Added: 0017778
2024-07-23 05:02 bahnkonzept File Added: 2024-07-19 Bako PosteingangSoGoGroupwareMail_printed_geschwärzt.pdf