View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005340SOGoApple iPhone OSpublic2021-06-24 07:09
Reportermksogoadmin Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version5.1.1 
Summary0005340: Event location without location suggestion/map link

SoGo with ActiveSync connected to the curren iOS calendar will bot permit to enter event locations which will be linked to Maps addresses. With Google Workspace and EAS linked it is working, with SoGo not.

Steps To Reproduce

Add an event, and enter a location. iOS would suggest linked addresses in maps and also show the map in the event view.
Very handy as you can start routing navigation straight from the event.

TagsNo tags attached.




2021-06-19 07:09




2021-06-21 04:23

reporter   ~0015322

If you connect your calendar via CalDAV, locations will link to maps on iOS, but then you are no longer able to accept any invitation, see other bug submitted by me



2021-06-21 13:00

reporter   ~0015323

It seems that iOS enables this feature only when the server provides EAS protocol version 16.x. Currently Sogo offers EAS14.1.



2021-06-22 04:55

reporter   ~0015331

Thanks a lot for the explanation, a workaround is:
Connect via CalDAV/IMAP on iOS with SoGO, then location with maps works properly.

hoping for EAS16 to be supported. Is there any plan/timeline for that?



2021-06-24 07:09

reporter   ~0015338

The mentioned workaround by installing the CalDAV calendar on an iPhone unfortunately has a flaw:

If you receive an invitation (in email), iOS will NOT show this invitation in the calendar inbox, but only pencil that event into your calendar. You would have to go to the specific date, open that greyish, pencilled-in event in calendar and then confirm with "Accept".

If you look only into the invitation email, open the .ics file, you cannot accept the invitation properly, such that the server will notice it.
Don't know if SoGO can change something about this, it seems that iOS does not properly process the invitation emails from SoGo received for a CalDAV calendar....

With EAS, invitations properly flow into the calendar inbox, BUT with the above mentioned limitation, that calendar event locations lose their link to Apple Maps.

So, praying for SoGO to support EAS16!!! That would solve all limitations.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-06-19 07:09 mksogoadmin New Issue
2021-06-19 07:09 mksogoadmin File Added: B03AAEA2-DAD5-4644-811C-29B060DB3788.png
2021-06-19 07:09 mksogoadmin File Added: 02209630-FD3B-49CA-BC88-A0DBBC12C6F5.png
2021-06-19 07:09 mksogoadmin File Added: 498F7565-640A-4F10-8405-265E15943188.png
2021-06-21 04:23 mksogoadmin Note Added: 0015322
2021-06-21 13:00 tfu Note Added: 0015323
2021-06-22 04:55 mksogoadmin Note Added: 0015331
2021-06-24 07:09 mksogoadmin Note Added: 0015338