View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006087SOGoWeb Mailpublic2025-03-19 13:33
Reporteranton.kuzmenko Assigned Toqhivert  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version5.11.0 
Summary0006087: Web mail autocomplete bug on cyrillic keyboard layout

Hello everyone. Currently i'am facing a bug with send message.
The bug is next. Select to send a new message, in a field “to” where you should type a user mail name and type a symbol of cyrillic layout “Бб”, which on keyboard same as “<,” symbol its autocomplete name instantly.
So if there sybmol “Бб” in middle of name its autocomplete wrongly. May you please fix, so this autocomplete will not work for cyrillic layout?
Since our users use a user name and surname very often and this bug make's its unusable

Steps To Reproduce

Make sure you have Ukrainian layout on your PC.

  1. Open a create new message on SOGo Web Mail.
  2. In a field "send to" write a username that have any cyrillic letter "Бб" in it. On EU/US layout that symbols behind "<," you may see pictures of keyboard attached
  3. Usename autocompleted incorrectly.
Additional Information

Work ok on "en" layout and work fine with on-screan keyboard.
Problem exist when you swith to rus or ua layout.

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2025-02-07 12:21


3337083.jpg (76,326 bytes)   
3337083.jpg (76,326 bytes)   


2025-02-10 13:19

administrator   ~0018064

Hello, could you tell me which keyboard layout is configured on your OS?



2025-02-10 19:57

reporter   ~0018074

Hi, tested with different, Ukraininan and English aswell. All results are same.



2025-03-19 13:33

reporter   ~0018135

Hello, is there any updates on that bug?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-07 12:21 anton.kuzmenko New Issue
2025-02-07 12:21 anton.kuzmenko File Added: 3337083.jpg
2025-02-10 13:19 qhivert Note Added: 0018064
2025-02-10 13:19 qhivert Assigned To => qhivert
2025-02-10 13:19 qhivert Status new => feedback
2025-02-10 19:57 anton.kuzmenko Note Added: 0018074
2025-02-10 19:57 anton.kuzmenko Status feedback => assigned
2025-03-19 13:33 anton.kuzmenko Note Added: 0018135