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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006072SOGoGUIpublic2025-02-21 09:35
Reportereh Assigned Toqhivert  
PriorityhighSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary0006072: Recurring Event disappears

My Sogo version is 5.11.2 and the problem i have is that sogo will delete recurring events at specific circumstances.

Steps To Reproduce

Send a recurring event to an account on sogo from an external mailserver.
Apply the recurring event on sogo.
Now the creator of the event should move the event only on one day.
Apply it on sogo.
Now the creator should move all events together.
Apply it again on sogo.

Now all are gone except the first moved entry.

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2025-01-22 09:38

reporter   ~0018031

The problem is 100% reproducable on differnet servers where sogo is installed.

In my opinion this should have a high priority because loosing appointments is a horrible thing for companies.



2025-01-22 09:53

administrator   ~0018032

Hello, could you be extra specific on the steps to reproduce it?
What is your external server?
By 'Apply it on sogo', you mean accept the invitation from the mail received?
How and what exactly do the owner when moving all elements?



2025-01-23 14:41

reporter   ~0018036

What is your external server?
The external server is a sogo server, but it will work with others too.

By 'Apply it on sogo', you mean accept the invitation from the mail received?
By 'Apply it on sogo' i mean to accept the appointment from the received mail.

How and what exactly do the owner when moving all elements?
Just to move the serial appointment in sogo and select all future events for this serial.



2025-01-28 14:57

administrator   ~0018040

So i've just test it and all is good on my side. My test:
Account A gmail, Account B sogo.

A make a recurrent event each Thursday with B.
B receives the invitation by mail and accept.
B see all the events correctly

A modifies only one event to be on Wednesday
B receives another mail and accept.
B see all the events correctly and at the right day (one on Wednesday and all the others on Thurday).

A modifies another event which was Thursday, and choose to move it and all the following recurrences to Wednesday.
B receives a mail and accepts.
B see all the events correctly (All events on Wednesday except the ones prior to the recurrences modified by A)



2025-01-29 14:32

reporter   ~0018041

Seems to be a difference regarding the sending server.

The problem appears for 100% if both servers are sogo.

Right now i tried it from apple mail fo sogo and there is a other problem. (Sogo can't accept it, you can press it but it does nothing)



2025-01-29 16:01

administrator   ~0018042

Ok I reproduce the bug



2025-02-13 13:28

reporter   ~0018086

Can you tell me how fast this bug will be solved?
It's not funny to loose appointments.



2025-02-17 08:39

administrator   ~0018087

I will look into it this week



2025-02-19 15:26

administrator   ~0018092

I've made a fix here ->
It will be with available with the next nightly 20250220, could you try it?



2025-02-21 09:35

reporter   ~0018094

Yes sure if it is released i can test.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-15 14:02 eh New Issue
2025-01-22 09:38 eh Note Added: 0018031
2025-01-22 09:53 qhivert Note Added: 0018032
2025-01-23 14:41 eh Note Added: 0018036
2025-01-28 14:57 qhivert Note Added: 0018040
2025-01-28 14:57 qhivert Assigned To => qhivert
2025-01-28 14:57 qhivert Status new => feedback
2025-01-29 14:32 eh Note Added: 0018041
2025-01-29 14:32 eh Status feedback => assigned
2025-01-29 16:01 qhivert Note Added: 0018042
2025-02-13 13:28 eh Note Added: 0018086
2025-02-17 08:39 qhivert Note Added: 0018087
2025-02-19 15:26 qhivert Note Added: 0018092
2025-02-19 15:26 qhivert Status assigned => feedback
2025-02-21 09:35 eh Note Added: 0018094
2025-02-21 09:35 eh Status feedback => assigned