Description | SOGo is working and configured to use MariaDB as backend SQL database.
But why does it store SQL username and plain password in SQL table sogo_folder_info , columns c_location , c_quick_location and c_acl_location ?
I understand it needs SQL access, but can we keep SQL username and passwords in just sogo config file /etc/sogo/sogo.conf ?
Similar issue, while backup sogo data for user with LDAP backend, it dumps full LDAP data of this user in stored in backup file (ldif_record ), is it really necessary?
[sogo]> select * from sogo_folder_info \G
*************************** 10. row ***************************
c_folder_id: 80
c_path: /Users/
c_path1: Users
c_path3: Calendar
c_path4: E1DA9094-8403-4B4B-944E-551C8CAAD530
c_foldername: Test
c_location: mysql://sogo:<plain-password>@
c_quick_location: mysql://sogo:<plain-password>@
c_acl_location: mysql://sogo:<plain-password>@
c_folder_type: Appointment