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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005923SOGoWeb Calendarpublic2024-02-10 12:20
Reporterabdunazarov Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version5.9.1 
Summary0005923: Recurring events in Web calendar mismatch with calendar on desktop clients.

Hello, guys!
There is an issue with mismatching of events displaying in web calendar and the same events in the desktop calendar's client for MacOS.
When we set first day of a week in the web calendar of SOGo to Monday in calendar settings. And then if we will try to create some event in our web calendar with recurring every two weeks and two days in the week. All things work fine until we pick this recurring two days including Sunday. When we chose Sunday and any other days of the week, SOGo displays events on Sunday of the one week in our calendar with recurrence per two weeks and events in other picked days of the week becomes moved to the next week. But a desktop calendar client of MacOS displays this recurring events other way.
For example, events which should be started at 11/02/2024 and repeated every Sunday and Monday recurring every two weeks, in SOGo appear in next dates:
and so on.
But in the MacOS calendar the same event appear in the next dates:
and so on.
Please, could somebody explain? Is this bug on the web calendar of SOGo or specific differences between two calendar clients and data interpretation in these two clients?

Steps To Reproduce

Set first day of a week in the web calendar of SOGo to Monday in calendar settings and then try to create some event in web calendar with recurring every two weeks and two days in the week.
Connect to the SOGo calendar from MacOS Sonoma and check the dates of events in web calendar and in MacOS calendar

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-02-10 12:20 abdunazarov New Issue