View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005789SOGoApple iPhone OSpublic2025-01-30 10:24
Reporteralex87 Assigned Tosebastien  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status feedbackResolutionreopened 
Product Version5.8.3 
Summary0005789: Wrong time Events

Apple Iphone IOS 15.X Create Event Time/Zone Europe/Moscow. Web client sogo 30 minute wrong.

TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0006042 new Incorrect display of event time when created from Mac calendar client 




2023-06-14 14:20


Screenshot_4.jpg (8,828 bytes)   
Screenshot_4.jpg (8,828 bytes)   


2023-06-14 14:58

reporter   ~0017027

PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iPhone OS 16.3.1//EN
SUMMARY:Новое повторноееее



2023-06-19 11:57

reporter   ~0017055

В SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.m

  • rqCalendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: [rq contentAsString]];
  • //rqCalendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: [rq contentAsString]];
  • NSString *myString = [rq contentAsString];
  • NSString *myStringEdited = [myString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"TZOFFSETTO:+023017" withString:@"TZOFFSETTO:+0300"];
  • NSString *myStringEdited2 = [myStringEdited stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"TZOFFSETFROM:+023017" withString:@"TZOFFSETFROM:+0300"];
  • rqCalendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: myStringEdited2];

If you collect from the source, I added this hack. The problem is on the part of makosi and their crooked timezones. Couldn't find a more concise solution.

Если собираете из исходников, я дописал вот такой хак. Проблема со стороны макоси и их кривых таймзон. Более лаконичного решения не нашёл. Ребята отвечают на баги неохотно, отдавая предпочтение платной поддержке



2023-06-20 06:07

reporter   ~0017057

file SOGoAppointmentObject.m edited from source version 5.8.3 published download.

А не поделитесь правленым SOGoAppointmentObject.m



2023-06-20 09:27

reporter   ~0017060

Вот, поправил для 5.8.3, для предыдущих вплоть до где-то 5.7.0 подходит
костыль, но что поделать

SOGoAppointmentObject.m (97,181 bytes)   
  Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Inverse inc.

  This file is part of SOGo

  SOGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
  the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
  Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
  later version.

  SOGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
  License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with OGo; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
  Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
  02111-1307, USA.

#import <Foundation/NSCalendarDate.h>
#import <Foundation/NSTimeZone.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>

#import <NGObjWeb/NSException+HTTP.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOContext+SoObjects.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOResponse.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NGCalendarDateRange.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSCalendarDate+misc.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSNull+misc.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalDateTime.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalEvent.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalToDo.h>
#import <NGCards/NSCalendarDate+NGCards.h>
#import <SaxObjC/XMLNamespaces.h>

#import <NGCards/iCalDateTime.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalTimeZone.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalTimeZonePeriod.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalToDo.h>
#import <NGCards/NSString+NGCards.h>

#import <SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSDictionary+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSObject+DAV.h>
#import <SOGo/NSString+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoDateFormatter.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUserManager.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUser.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUserSettings.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoDomainDefaults.h>
#import <SOGo/WORequest+SOGo.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoSystemDefaults.h>

#import "iCalCalendar+SOGo.h"
#import "iCalEvent+SOGo.h"
#import "iCalEventChanges+SOGo.h"
#import "iCalEntityObject+SOGo.h"
#import "iCalPerson+SOGo.h"
#import "NSArray+Appointments.h"
#import "SOGoAppointmentFolder.h"
#import "SOGoAppointmentOccurence.h"
#import "SOGoFreeBusyObject.h"

#import "SOGoAppointmentObject.h"

@implementation SOGoAppointmentObject

- (NSString *) componentTag
  return @"vevent";

- (SOGoComponentOccurence *) occurence: (iCalRepeatableEntityObject *) occ
  NSArray *allEvents;

  allEvents = [[occ parent] events];

  return [SOGoAppointmentOccurence
	   occurenceWithComponent: occ
	   withMasterComponent: [allEvents objectAtIndex: 0]
	   inContainer: self];

 * Return a new exception in the recurrent event.
 * @param theRecurrenceID the ID of the occurence.
 * @return a new occurence.
- (iCalRepeatableEntityObject *) newOccurenceWithID: (NSString *) theRecurrenceID
  iCalEvent *newOccurence, *master;
  NSCalendarDate *date, *firstDate;
  unsigned int interval, nbrDays;

  newOccurence = (iCalEvent *) [super newOccurenceWithID: theRecurrenceID];
  date = [newOccurence recurrenceId];

  master = [self component: NO secure: NO];
  firstDate = [master startDate];

  interval = [[master endDate]
               timeIntervalSinceDate: firstDate];
  if ([newOccurence isAllDay])
      nbrDays = ((float) abs (interval) / 86400);
      [newOccurence setAllDayWithStartDate: date
                                  duration: nbrDays];
      [newOccurence setStartDate: date];
      [newOccurence setEndDate: [date addYear: 0
                                        month: 0
                                          day: 0
                                         hour: 0
                                       minute: 0
                                       second: interval]];
  return newOccurence;

- (iCalRepeatableEntityObject *) lookupOccurrence: (NSString *) recID
  return [[self calendar: NO secure: NO] eventWithRecurrenceID: recID];

- (SOGoAppointmentObject *) _lookupEvent: (NSString *) eventUID
				  forUID: (NSString *) uid
  SOGoAppointmentFolder *folder;
  SOGoAppointmentObject *object;
  NSArray *folders;
  NSEnumerator *e;
  NSString *possibleName;

  object = nil;
  folders = [container lookupCalendarFoldersForUID: uid];
  e = [folders objectEnumerator];
  while ( object == nil && (folder = [e nextObject]) )
      object = [folder lookupName: nameInContainer
                        inContext: context
                          acquire: NO];
      if ([object isKindOfClass: [NSException class]] || [object isNew])
          possibleName = [folder resourceNameForEventUID: eventUID];
          if (possibleName)
              object = [folder lookupName: possibleName
                                inContext: context
                                  acquire: NO];
              if ([object isKindOfClass: [NSException class]] || [object isNew])
                object = nil;
            object = nil;
  if (!object)
      // Create the event in the user's personal calendar.
      folder = [[SOGoUser userWithLogin: uid] personalCalendarFolderInContext: context];
      object = [SOGoAppointmentObject objectWithName: nameInContainer
                                         inContainer: folder];
      [object setIsNew: YES];

  return object;

// This method will *ONLY* add or update event information in attendees' calendars.
// It will NOT touch to the organizer calendar in anyway. This method is meant
// to reflect changes in attendees' calendars when the organizer makes changes
// to the event.
- (void) _addOrUpdateEvent: (iCalEvent *) newEvent
                  oldEvent: (iCalEvent *) oldEvent
                    forUID: (NSString *) theUID
                     owner: (NSString *) theOwner
  if (![theUID isEqualToString: theOwner])
      SOGoAppointmentObject *attendeeObject;
      iCalCalendar *iCalendarToSave;
      iCalPerson *attendee;
      SOGoUser *user;

      iCalendarToSave = nil;
      user = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: theUID];
      attendeeObject = [self _lookupEvent: [newEvent uid] forUID: theUID];
      attendee = [newEvent userAsAttendee: user];

      // If the atttende's role is NON-PARTICIPANT, we write nothing to its calendar
      if ([[attendee role] caseInsensitiveCompare: @"NON-PARTICIPANT"] == NSOrderedSame)
          // If the attendee's previous role was not NON-PARTICIPANT we must also delete
          // the event from its calendar
          attendee = [oldEvent userAsAttendee: user];
          if ([[attendee role] caseInsensitiveCompare: @"NON-PARTICIPANT"] != NSOrderedSame)
              NSString *currentUID;

              currentUID = [attendee uidInContext: context];
              if (currentUID)
                [self _removeEventFromUID: currentUID
                                    owner: owner
                         withRecurrenceId: [oldEvent recurrenceId]];



      if ([newEvent recurrenceId])
          // We must add an occurence to a non-existing event.
          if ([attendeeObject isNew])
              iCalEvent *ownerEvent;

              // We check if the attendee that was added to a single occurence is
              // present in the master component. If not, we create a calendar with
              // a single event for the occurence.
              ownerEvent = [[[newEvent parent] events] objectAtIndex: 0];

              if (![ownerEvent userAsAttendee: user])
                  iCalendarToSave = [[[newEvent parent] mutableCopy] autorelease];
                  [iCalendarToSave removeChildren: [iCalendarToSave childrenWithTag: @"vevent"]];
                  [iCalendarToSave addChild: [[newEvent copy] autorelease]];
              // Only update this occurrence in attendee's calendar
              // TODO : when updating the master event, handle exception dates
              // in attendee's calendar (add exception dates and remove matching
              // occurrences) -- see _updateRecurrenceIDsWithEvent:
              NSCalendarDate *currentId;
              NSArray *occurences;
              iCalEvent *occurence;
              int max, count;

              iCalendarToSave = [attendeeObject calendar: NO  secure: NO];

              // If recurrenceId is defined, remove the occurence from
              // the repeating event. If a recurrenceId is defined in the
              // new event, let's make sure we don't already have one in
              // the calendar already. If so, also remove it.
              if ([oldEvent recurrenceId] || [newEvent recurrenceId])
                  // FIXME: use  _eventFromRecurrenceId:...
                  occurences = [iCalendarToSave events];
                  currentId = ([oldEvent recurrenceId] ? [oldEvent recurrenceId]: [newEvent recurrenceId]);
                  if (currentId)
                      max = [occurences count];
                      count = 0;
                      while (count < max)
                          occurence = [occurences objectAtIndex: count];
                          if ([occurence recurrenceId] &&
                              [[occurence recurrenceId] compare: currentId] == NSOrderedSame)
                              [iCalendarToSave removeChild: occurence];
              [iCalendarToSave addChild: [[newEvent copy] autorelease]];
          iCalendarToSave = [newEvent parent];

      // Save the event in the attendee's calendar
      if (iCalendarToSave)
        [attendeeObject saveCalendar: iCalendarToSave];

// This method will *ONLY* delete event information in attendees' calendars.
// It will NOT touch to the organizer calendar in anyway. This method is meant
// to reflect changes in attendees' calendars when the organizer makes changes
// to the event.
- (void) _removeEventFromUID: (NSString *) theUID
                       owner: (NSString *) theOwner
            withRecurrenceId: (NSCalendarDate *) recurrenceId
  if (![theUID isEqualToString: theOwner])
      SOGoAppointmentFolder *folder;
      SOGoAppointmentObject *object;
      iCalEntityObject *currentOccurence;
      iCalRepeatableEntityObject *event;
      iCalCalendar *calendar;
      NSCalendarDate *currentId;
      NSArray *occurences;
      int max, count;
      // Invitations are always written to the personal folder; it's not necessay
      // to look into all folders of the user
      // FIXME: why look only in the personal calendar here?
      folder = [[SOGoUser userWithLogin: theUID]
                personalCalendarFolderInContext: context];
      object = [folder lookupName: nameInContainer
                        inContext: context
                          acquire: NO];
      if (![object isKindOfClass: [NSException class]])
          if (recurrenceId == nil)
            [object delete];
              calendar = [object calendar: NO secure: NO];
              // If recurrenceId is defined, remove the occurence from
              // the repeating event.
              occurences = [calendar events];
              max = [occurences count];
              count = 0;
              while (count < max)
                  currentOccurence = [occurences objectAtIndex: count];
                  currentId = [currentOccurence recurrenceId];
                  if (currentId && [currentId compare: recurrenceId] == NSOrderedSame)
                      [[calendar children] removeObject: currentOccurence];

              // Add an date exception.
              event = (iCalRepeatableEntityObject*)[calendar firstChildWithTag: [object componentTag]];
              if (event)
                  [event addToExceptionDates: recurrenceId];
                  [event increaseSequence];
                  [event setLastModified: [NSCalendarDate calendarDate]];

                  // We save the updated iCalendar in the database.
                  [object saveCalendar: calendar];
                  // No more child; kill the parent
                  [object delete];
        [self errorWithFormat: @"Unable to find event with UID %@ in %@'s calendar - skipping delete operation. This can be normal for NON-PARTICIPANT attendees.", nameInContainer, theUID];

- (void) _handleRemovedUsers: (NSArray *) attendees
            withRecurrenceId: (NSCalendarDate *) recurrenceId
  NSEnumerator *enumerator;
  iCalPerson *currentAttendee;
  NSString *currentUID;

  enumerator = [attendees objectEnumerator];
  while ((currentAttendee = [enumerator nextObject]))
      currentUID = [currentAttendee uidInContext: context];
      if (currentUID)
        [self _removeEventFromUID: currentUID
                            owner: owner
                 withRecurrenceId: recurrenceId];

- (void) _removeDelegationChain: (iCalPerson *) delegate
                        inEvent: (iCalEvent *) event
  NSString *delegatedTo, *mailTo;

  delegatedTo = [delegate delegatedTo];
  if ([delegatedTo length] > 0)
      mailTo = [delegatedTo rfc822Email];
      delegate = [event findAttendeeWithEmail: mailTo];
      if (delegate)
          [self _removeDelegationChain: delegate
                               inEvent: event];
          [event removeFromAttendees: delegate];
        [self errorWithFormat:@"broken chain: delegate with email '%@' was not found", mailTo];

// This method returns YES when any attendee has been removed
// and NO otherwise.
- (BOOL) _requireResponseFromAttendees: (iCalEvent *) event
  NSArray *attendees;
  iCalPerson *currentAttendee;
  BOOL listHasChanged = NO;
  int count, max;

  attendees = [event attendees];
  max = [attendees count];

  for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
      currentAttendee = [attendees objectAtIndex: count];
      if ([[currentAttendee delegatedTo] length] > 0)
          [self _removeDelegationChain: currentAttendee
                               inEvent: event];
          [currentAttendee setDelegatedTo: nil];
          listHasChanged = YES;
      [currentAttendee setRsvp: @"TRUE"];
      [currentAttendee setParticipationStatus: iCalPersonPartStatNeedsAction];

  return listHasChanged;

- (BOOL) _shouldScheduleEvent: (iCalPerson *) thePerson
  //NSArray *userAgents;
  NSString *v;
  BOOL b;
  //int i;

  b = YES;

  if (thePerson && (v = [thePerson value: 0  ofAttribute: @"SCHEDULE-AGENT"]))
      if ([v caseInsensitiveCompare: @"NONE"] == NSOrderedSame ||
          [v caseInsensitiveCompare: @"CLIENT"] == NSOrderedSame)
        b = NO;

  // If we have to deal with Thunderbird/Lightning, we always send invitation
  // reponses, as Lightning v2.6 (at least this version) sets SCHEDULE-AGENT
  // to NONE/CLIENT when responding to an external invitation received by
  // SOGo - so no invitation responses are ever sent by Lightning. See
  // and
  // This code has been disabled - see 0003274.
#if 0
  userAgents = [[context request] headersForKey: @"User-Agent"];

  for (i = 0; i < [userAgents count]; i++)
      if ([[userAgents objectAtIndex: i] rangeOfString: @"Thunderbird"].location != NSNotFound &&
          [[userAgents objectAtIndex: i] rangeOfString: @"Lightning"].location != NSNotFound)
          b = YES;

  return b;

- (void) _handleSequenceUpdateInEvent: (iCalEvent *) newEvent
		    ignoringAttendees: (NSArray *) attendees
		         fromOldEvent: (iCalEvent *) oldEvent
  NSMutableArray *updateAttendees;
  NSEnumerator *enumerator;
  iCalPerson *currentAttendee;
  NSString *currentUID;

  updateAttendees = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [newEvent attendees]];
  [updateAttendees removeObjectsInArray: attendees];

  enumerator = [updateAttendees objectEnumerator];
  while ((currentAttendee = [enumerator nextObject]))
      currentUID = [currentAttendee uidInContext: context];
      if (currentUID)
        [self _addOrUpdateEvent: newEvent
                       oldEvent: oldEvent
                         forUID: currentUID
                          owner: owner];

  if ([self _shouldScheduleEvent: [newEvent organizer]])
    [self sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Update"
			    forObject: [newEvent itipEntryWithMethod: @"request"]
		       previousObject: oldEvent
			  toAttendees: updateAttendees
			     withType: @"calendar:invitation-update"];

// This method scans the list of attendees.
- (NSException *) _handleAttendeesAvailability: (NSArray *) theAttendees
                                      forEvent: (iCalEvent *) theEvent
  iCalPerson *currentAttendee;
  SOGoUser *user;
  SOGoUserSettings *us;
  NSMutableArray *unavailableAttendees, *unavailableEmails;
  NSEnumerator *enumerator;
  NSString *currentUID, *ownerUID;
  NSMutableString *reason;
  NSDictionary *values, *info;
  NSMutableDictionary *value, *moduleSettings;
  id whiteList;
  int i, count;
  i = count = 0;

  // Build list of the attendees uids
  unavailableAttendees = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
  unavailableEmails = [NSMutableArray array];
  enumerator = [theAttendees objectEnumerator];
  ownerUID = [[[self context] activeUser] login];

  while ((currentAttendee = [enumerator nextObject]))
      currentUID = [currentAttendee uidInContext: context];

      if (currentUID)
          user = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: currentUID];
          us = [user userSettings];
          moduleSettings = [us objectForKey:@"Calendar"];
          // Check if the user prevented their account from beeing invited to events
          if ([[moduleSettings objectForKey:@"PreventInvitations"] boolValue])
              // Check if the user have a whiteList
              whiteList = [moduleSettings objectForKey:@"PreventInvitationsWhitelist"];

              // For backward <= 2.2.17 compatibility
              if ([whiteList isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
                whiteList = [whiteList objectFromJSONString];
              // If the filter have a hit, do not add the currentUID to the unavailableAttendees array
              if (![whiteList objectForKey:ownerUID])
                  values = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[user cn] forKey:@"Cn"];
                  [unavailableAttendees addObject:values];
                  [unavailableEmails addObject: [currentAttendee rfc822Email]];

  count = [unavailableAttendees count];
  if (count > 0)
      reason = [NSMutableString stringWithString:[self labelForKey: @"Inviting the following persons is prohibited:"]];
      // Add all the unavailable users in the warning message
      for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
          value = [unavailableAttendees objectAtIndex:i];
          [reason appendString:[value keysWithFormat: @"\n %{Cn}"]];
          if (i < count-2)
            [reason appendString:@", "];

      if (count < [theAttendees count])
          info = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                 reason, @"reject",
                               unavailableEmails, @"unavailableAttendees", nil];
          reason = [NSMutableString stringWithString: [info jsonRepresentation]];
      [unavailableAttendees release];
      return [self exceptionWithHTTPStatus:409 reason: reason];

  [unavailableAttendees release];

  return nil;

// This methods scans the list of attendees. If they are
// considered as resource, it checks for conflicting
// dates for the event and potentially auto-accept/decline
// the invitation.
// For normal attendees, it'll return an exception with
// conflicting dates, unless we force the save.//
// We check for between startDate + 1 second and
// endDate - 1 second
// Note that it doesn't matter if it changes the participation
// status since in case of an error, nothing will get saved.
- (NSException *) _handleAttendeesConflicts: (NSArray *) theAttendees
                                   forEvent: (iCalEvent *) theEvent
                                      force: (BOOL) forceSave
  iCalPerson *currentAttendee;
  NSMutableArray *attendees;
  NSEnumerator *enumerator;
  NSString *currentUID;
  SOGoUser *user, *currentUser;

  _resourceHasAutoAccepted = NO;

  // Build a list of the attendees uids
  attendees = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: [theAttendees count]];
  enumerator = [theAttendees objectEnumerator];
  while ((currentAttendee = [enumerator nextObject]))
      currentUID = [currentAttendee uidInContext: context];
      if (currentUID)
          [attendees addObject: currentUID];
  // If the active user is not the owner of the calendar, check possible conflict when
  // the owner is a resource
  currentUser = [context activeUser];
  if (!activeUserIsOwner && ![currentUser isSuperUser])
      [attendees addObject: owner];
  enumerator = [attendees objectEnumerator];
  while ((currentUID = [enumerator nextObject]))
      NSCalendarDate *start, *end, *rangeStartDate, *rangeEndDate;
      SOGoAppointmentFolder *folder;
      SOGoFreeBusyObject *fb;
      NGCalendarDateRange *range;
      NSMutableArray *fbInfo;
      NSArray *allOccurences;
      BOOL must_delete;
      int i, j, delta;

      user = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: currentUID];

      // We get the start/end date for our conflict range. If the event to be added is recurring, we
      // check for at least a year to start with.
      start = [[theEvent startDate] dateByAddingYears: 0  months: 0  days: 0  hours: 0  minutes: 0  seconds: 1];
      end = [[theEvent endDate] dateByAddingYears: ([theEvent isRecurrent] ? 1 : 0)  months: 0  days: 0  hours: 0  minutes: 0  seconds: -1];
      folder = [user personalCalendarFolderInContext: context];

      // Deny access to the resource if the ACLs don't allow the user
      if ([user isResource] && ![folder aclSQLListingFilter])
          NSDictionary *values;
          NSString *reason;
          values = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                   [user cn], @"Cn",
                                 [user systemEmail], @"SystemEmail", nil];
          reason = [values keysWithFormat: [self labelForKey: @"Cannot access resource: \"%{Cn} %{SystemEmail}\""]];
          return [self exceptionWithHTTPStatus:409 reason: reason];

      fb = [SOGoFreeBusyObject objectWithName: @"freebusy.ifb" inContainer: [user homeFolderInContext: context]];
      fbInfo = (NSMutableArray *)[fb fetchFreeBusyInfosFrom: start to: end];

      // We must also check here for repetitive events that don't overlap our event.
      // We remove all events that don't overlap. The events here are already
      // decomposed.
      if ([theEvent isRecurrent])
        allOccurences = [theEvent recurrenceRangesWithinCalendarDateRange: [NGCalendarDateRange calendarDateRangeWithStartDate: start
                                                                                                                       endDate: end]
                                           firstInstanceCalendarDateRange: [NGCalendarDateRange calendarDateRangeWithStartDate: [theEvent startDate]
                                                                                                                       endDate: [theEvent endDate]]];
        allOccurences = nil;

      for (i = [fbInfo count]-1; i >= 0; i--)
	  // We first remove any occurences in the freebusy that corresponds to the
	  // current event. We do this to avoid raising a conflict if we move a 1 hour
	  // meeting from 12:00-13:00 to 12:15-13:15. We would overlap on ourself otherwise.
          if ([[[fbInfo objectAtIndex: i] objectForKey: @"c_uid"] compare: [theEvent uid]] == NSOrderedSame)
              [fbInfo removeObjectAtIndex: i];

          // Ignore transparent events
          if (![[[fbInfo objectAtIndex: i] objectForKey: @"c_isopaque"] boolValue])
              [fbInfo removeObjectAtIndex: i];

          // No need to check if the event isn't recurrent here as it's handled correctly
          // when we compute the "end" date.
          if ([allOccurences count])
              must_delete = YES;

              // We MUST use the -uniqueChildWithTag method here because the event has been flattened, so its timezone has been
              // modified in SOGoAppointmentFolder: -fixupCycleRecord: ....
              rangeStartDate = [[fbInfo objectAtIndex: i] objectForKey: @"startDate"];
              delta = [[rangeStartDate timeZoneDetail] timeZoneSecondsFromGMT] - [[[(iCalDateTime *)[theEvent uniqueChildWithTag: @"dtstart"] timeZone] periodForDate: [theEvent startDate]] secondsOffsetFromGMT];
              rangeStartDate = [rangeStartDate dateByAddingYears: 0  months: 0  days: 0  hours: 0  minutes: 0  seconds: delta];

              rangeEndDate = [[fbInfo objectAtIndex: i] objectForKey: @"endDate"];
              delta = [[rangeEndDate timeZoneDetail] timeZoneSecondsFromGMT] - [[[(iCalDateTime *)[theEvent uniqueChildWithTag: @"dtend"] timeZone] periodForDate: [theEvent endDate]] secondsOffsetFromGMT];
              rangeEndDate = [rangeEndDate dateByAddingYears: 0  months: 0  days: 0  hours: 0  minutes: 0  seconds: delta];

              range = [NGCalendarDateRange calendarDateRangeWithStartDate: rangeStartDate
                                                                  endDate: rangeEndDate];

              for (j = 0; j < [allOccurences count]; j++)
                  if ([range doesIntersectWithDateRange: [allOccurences objectAtIndex: j]])
                      must_delete = NO;
              if (must_delete)
                [fbInfo removeObjectAtIndex: i];

      // Find the attendee associated to the current UID
      currentAttendee = nil;
      for (i = 0; i < [theAttendees count]; i++)
          currentAttendee = [theAttendees objectAtIndex: i];
          if ([[currentAttendee uidInContext: context] isEqualToString: currentUID])
            currentAttendee = nil;

      if ([fbInfo count])
          SOGoDateFormatter *formatter;

          formatter = [[context activeUser] dateFormatterInContext: context];
          if ([user isResource])
              // We always force the auto-accept if numberOfSimultaneousBookings <= 0 (ie., no limit
              // is imposed) or if numberOfSimultaneousBookings is greater than the number of
              // overlapping events.
              // When numberOfSimultaneousBookings is set to -1, only force the auto-accept
              // once the conflict has been raised and the action is forced by the user.
              if ([user numberOfSimultaneousBookings] <= 0 ||
                  [user numberOfSimultaneousBookings] > [fbInfo count])
                  if (currentAttendee && ([user numberOfSimultaneousBookings] >= 0 || forceSave))
                      [[currentAttendee attributes] removeObjectForKey: @"RSVP"];
                      [currentAttendee setParticipationStatus: iCalPersonPartStatAccepted];
		      _resourceHasAutoAccepted = YES;
                  iCalCalendar *calendar;
                  NSDictionary *values, *info;
                  NSString *reason;
                  iCalEvent *event;

                  calendar =  [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: [[fbInfo objectAtIndex: 0] objectForKey: @"c_content"]];
                  event = [[calendar events] lastObject];

                  values = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                           [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", [user numberOfSimultaneousBookings]], @"NumberOfSimultaneousBookings",
                                         [user cn], @"Cn",
                                         [user systemEmail], @"SystemEmail",
                                  ([event summary] ? [event summary] : @""), @"EventTitle",
                                      [formatter formattedDateAndTime: [[fbInfo objectAtIndex: 0] objectForKey: @"startDate"]], @"StartDate",

                  reason = [values keysWithFormat: [self labelForKey: @"Maximum number of simultaneous bookings (%{NumberOfSimultaneousBookings}) reached for resource \"%{Cn} %{SystemEmail}\". The conflicting event is \"%{EventTitle}\", and starts on %{StartDate}."]];

                  info = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: reason forKey: @"reject"];

                  return [self exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 409
                                                reason: [info jsonRepresentation]];
          // We are dealing with a normal attendee. Lets check if we have conflicts, unless
          // we are being asked to force the save anyway
          if (!forceSave && !_resourceHasAutoAccepted)
              NSMutableDictionary *info;
              NSMutableArray *conflicts;
              NSString *formattedEnd;
              SOGoUser *ownerUser;
              id o;

              info = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
              conflicts = [NSMutableArray array];

              if (currentAttendee)
                  if ([currentAttendee cn])
                    [info setObject: [currentAttendee cn]  forKey: @"attendee_name"];
                  if ([currentAttendee rfc822Email])
                    [info setObject: [currentAttendee rfc822Email]  forKey: @"attendee_email"];
              else if ([owner isEqualToString: currentUID])
                  ownerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner];
                  if ([ownerUser cn])
                    [info setObject: [ownerUser cn]  forKey: @"attendee_name"];
                  if ([ownerUser systemEmail])
                    [info setObject: [ownerUser systemEmail]  forKey: @"attendee_email"];

              for (i = 0; i < [fbInfo count]; i++)
                  o = [fbInfo objectAtIndex: i];
                  end = [o objectForKey: @"endDate"];
                  if ([[o objectForKey: @"startDate"] isDateOnSameDay: end])
                    formattedEnd = [formatter formattedTime: end];
                    formattedEnd = [formatter formattedDateAndTime: end];

                  [conflicts addObject: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [formatter formattedDateAndTime: [o objectForKey: @"startDate"]], @"startDate",
                                                      formattedEnd, @"endDate", nil]];

              [info setObject: conflicts  forKey: @"conflicts"];

              // We immediately raise an exception, without processing the possible other attendees.
              return [self exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 409
                                            reason: [info jsonRepresentation]];
        } // if ([fbInfo count]) ...
      else if (currentAttendee && [user isResource])
          // No conflict, we auto-accept. We do this for resources automatically if no
          // double-booking is observed. If it's not the desired behavior, just don't
          // set the resource as one!
          [[currentAttendee attributes] removeObjectForKey: @"RSVP"];
          [currentAttendee setParticipationStatus: iCalPersonPartStatAccepted];
          _resourceHasAutoAccepted = YES;

  return nil;

- (NSException *) _handleAddedUsers: (NSArray *) attendees
                          fromEvent: (iCalEvent *) newEvent
                              force: (BOOL) forceSave
  iCalPerson *currentAttendee;
  NSEnumerator *enumerator;
  NSString *currentUID;
  NSException *e;
  // We check for conflicts
  if ((e = [self _handleAttendeesConflicts: attendees  forEvent: newEvent  force: forceSave]))
    return e;
  if ((e = [self _handleAttendeesAvailability: attendees  forEvent: newEvent]))
    return e;
  enumerator = [attendees objectEnumerator];
  while ((currentAttendee = [enumerator nextObject]))
      currentUID = [currentAttendee uidInContext: context];
      if (currentUID)
        [self _addOrUpdateEvent: newEvent
                       oldEvent: nil
                         forUID: currentUID
                          owner: owner];
  return nil;

- (void) _addOrDeleteAttendees: (NSArray *) theAttendees
inRecurrenceExceptionsForEvent: (iCalEvent *) theEvent
                           add: (BOOL) shouldAdd
  NSArray *events;
  iCalEvent *e;
  int i,j;

  // We don't add/delete attendees to all recurrence exceptions if
  // the modification was actually NOT made on the master event
  if ([theEvent recurrenceId])
  events = [[theEvent parent] events];
  for (i = 0; i < [events count]; i++)
      e = [events objectAtIndex: i];
      if ([e recurrenceId])
        for (j = 0; j < [theAttendees count]; j++) {
          if (shouldAdd)
            [e addToAttendees: [theAttendees objectAtIndex: j]];
            [e removeFromAttendees: [theAttendees objectAtIndex: j]];

- (NSException *) _handleUpdatedEvent: (iCalEvent *) newEvent
		         fromOldEvent: (iCalEvent *) oldEvent
                                force: (BOOL) forceSave
  NSArray *addedAttendees, *deletedAttendees, *updatedAttendees;
  iCalEventChanges *changes;
  NSException *ex;

  addedAttendees = nil;
  deletedAttendees = nil;
  updatedAttendees = nil;

  changes = [newEvent getChangesRelativeToEvent: oldEvent];
  if ([changes sequenceShouldBeIncreased])
      // Set new attendees status to "needs action" and recompute changes when
      // the list of attendees has changed. The list might have changed since
      // by changing a major property of the event, we remove all the delegation
      // chains to "other" attendees
      if ([self _requireResponseFromAttendees: newEvent])
        changes = [newEvent getChangesRelativeToEvent: oldEvent];

  deletedAttendees = [changes deletedAttendees];

  if ([deletedAttendees count])
      // We delete the attendees in all exception occurences, if
      // the attendees were removed from the master event.
      [self _addOrDeleteAttendees: deletedAttendees
            inRecurrenceExceptionsForEvent: newEvent
                              add: NO];

      [self _handleRemovedUsers: deletedAttendees
               withRecurrenceId: [newEvent recurrenceId]];
      if ([self _shouldScheduleEvent: [newEvent organizer]])
	[self sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Deletion"
				forObject: [newEvent itipEntryWithMethod: @"cancel"]
			   previousObject: oldEvent
			      toAttendees: deletedAttendees
				 withType: @"calendar:cancellation"];
  if ((ex = [self _handleAttendeesConflicts: [newEvent attendees] forEvent: newEvent  force: forceSave]))
    return ex;
  if ((ex = [self _handleAttendeesAvailability: [newEvent attendees] forEvent: newEvent]))
    return ex;

  addedAttendees = [changes insertedAttendees];

  // We insert the attendees in all exception occurences, if
  // the attendees were added to the master event.
  [self _addOrDeleteAttendees: addedAttendees
        inRecurrenceExceptionsForEvent: newEvent
                          add: YES];

  if ([changes sequenceShouldBeIncreased])
      [newEvent increaseSequence];
      // Update attendees calendars and send them an update
      // notification by email. We ignore the newly added
      // attendees as we don't want to send them invitation
      // update emails
      [self _handleSequenceUpdateInEvent: newEvent
                       ignoringAttendees: addedAttendees
                            fromOldEvent: oldEvent];
      // If other attributes have changed, update the event
      // in each attendee's calendar
      if ([[changes updatedProperties] count])
          NSEnumerator *enumerator;
          iCalPerson *currentAttendee;
          NSString *currentUID;
          updatedAttendees = [newEvent attendees];
          enumerator = [updatedAttendees objectEnumerator];
          while ((currentAttendee = [enumerator nextObject]))
              currentUID = [currentAttendee uidInContext: context];
              if (currentUID)
                [self _addOrUpdateEvent: newEvent
                               oldEvent: oldEvent
                                 forUID: currentUID
                                  owner: owner];

  if ([addedAttendees count])
      // Send an invitation to new attendees
      if ((ex = [self _handleAddedUsers: addedAttendees fromEvent: newEvent  force: forceSave]))
        return ex;

      if ([self _shouldScheduleEvent: [newEvent organizer]])
	[self sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Invitation"
				forObject: [newEvent itipEntryWithMethod: @"request"]
			   previousObject: oldEvent
			      toAttendees: addedAttendees
				 withType: @"calendar:invitation"];

  if ([changes hasMajorChanges])
    [self sendReceiptEmailForObject: newEvent
                     addedAttendees: addedAttendees
                   deletedAttendees: deletedAttendees
                   updatedAttendees: updatedAttendees
                          operation: EventUpdated];

  return nil;

// Workflow :                             +----------------------+
//                                        |                      |
// [saveComponent:]---> _handleAddedUsers:fromEvent: <-+         |
//       |                                             |         v
//       +------------> _handleUpdatedEvent:fromOldEvent: ---> _addOrUpdateEvent:oldEvent:forUID:owner:  <-----------+
//                               |           |                   ^                                          |
//                               v           v                   |                                          |
//  _handleRemovedUsers:withRecurrenceId:  _handleSequenceUpdateInEvent:ignoringAttendees:fromOldEvent:     |
//                     |                                                                                    |
//                     |             [DELETEAction:]                                                        |
//                     |                    |              {_handleAdded/Updated...}<--+                    |
//                     |                    v                                          |                    |
//                     |         [prepareDeleteOccurence:]                    [PUTAction:]                  |
//                     |               |              |                            |                        |
//                     v               v              v                            v                        |
// _removeEventFromUID:owner:withRecurrenceId:  [changeParticipationStatus:withDelegate:forRecurrenceId:]   |                    
//                     |                                          |                                         |
//                     |                                          v                                         |
//                     +------------------------> _handleAttendee:withDelegate:ownerUser:statusChange:inEvent: ---> [sendResponseToOrganizer:from:]
//                                                  |
//                                                  v
//  _updateAttendee:withDelegate:ownerUser:forEventUID:withRecurrenceId:withSequence:forUID:shouldAddSentBy:      
- (NSException *) saveComponent: (iCalEvent *) newEvent
  return [self saveComponent: newEvent  force: NO];

- (NSException *) saveComponent: (iCalEvent *) newEvent
                          force: (BOOL) forceSave
  iCalEvent *oldEvent, *oldMasterEvent;
  NSCalendarDate *recurrenceId;
  NSString *recurrenceTime;
  SOGoUser *ownerUser;
  NSArray *attendees;
  NSException *ex;

  [[newEvent parent] setMethod: @""];
  ownerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner];

  [self expandGroupsInEvent: newEvent];

  // We first update the event. It is important to do this initially
  // as the event's UID might get modified.
  [super updateComponent: newEvent];

  if ([self isNew])
      // New event -- send invitation to all attendees
      attendees = [newEvent attendeesWithoutUser: ownerUser];
      // We catch conflicts and abort the save process immediately
      // in case of one with resources
      if ((ex = [self _handleAddedUsers: attendees fromEvent: newEvent  force: forceSave]))
        return ex;
      if ([attendees count])
	  if ([self _shouldScheduleEvent: [newEvent organizer]])
	    [self sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Invitation"
				    forObject: [newEvent itipEntryWithMethod: @"request"]
			       previousObject: nil
				  toAttendees: attendees
				     withType: @"calendar:invitation"];
      [self sendReceiptEmailForObject: newEvent
                       addedAttendees: attendees
                     deletedAttendees: nil
                     updatedAttendees: nil
                            operation: EventCreated];
      BOOL hasOrganizer;
      // Event is modified -- sent update status to all attendees
      // and modify their calendars.
      recurrenceId = [newEvent recurrenceId];
      if (recurrenceId == nil)
        oldEvent = [self component: NO secure: NO];
          // If recurrenceId is defined, find the specified occurence
          // within the repeating vEvent.
          recurrenceTime = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%f", [recurrenceId timeIntervalSince1970]];
          oldEvent = (iCalEvent*)[self lookupOccurrence: recurrenceTime];
          if (oldEvent == nil) // If no occurence found, create one
            oldEvent = (iCalEvent *)[self newOccurenceWithID: recurrenceTime];
      oldMasterEvent = (iCalEvent *)[[oldEvent parent] firstChildWithTag: [self componentTag]];
      hasOrganizer = [[[oldMasterEvent organizer] email] length];
      if (!hasOrganizer || [oldMasterEvent userIsOrganizer: ownerUser])
      // The owner is the organizer of the event; handle the modifications. We aslo
      // catch conflicts just like when the events are created
        if ((ex = [self _handleUpdatedEvent: newEvent fromOldEvent: oldEvent  force: forceSave]))
          return ex;
  [super saveComponent: newEvent];
  [self flush];

  return nil;

// This method is used to update the status of an attendee.
// - theOwnerUser is owner of the calendar where the attendee
//   participation state has changed.
// - uid is the actual UID of the user for whom we must
//   update the calendar event (with the participation change)
// - delegate is the delegate attendee if any
// This method is called multiple times, in order to update the
// status of the attendee in calendars for the particular event UID.
- (NSException *) _updateAttendee: (iCalPerson *) attendee
                     withDelegate: (iCalPerson *) delegate
                        ownerUser: (SOGoUser *) theOwnerUser
                      forEventUID: (NSString *) eventUID
                 withRecurrenceId: (NSCalendarDate *) recurrenceId
                     withSequence: (NSNumber *) sequence
                           forUID: (NSString *) uid
                  shouldAddSentBy: (BOOL) b
  SOGoAppointmentObject *eventObject;
  iCalCalendar *calendar;
  iCalEntityObject *event;
  iCalPerson *otherAttendee, *otherDelegate;
  NSString *recurrenceTime, *delegateEmail;
  NSException *error;
  BOOL addDelegate, removeDelegate;

  // If the atttende's role is NON-PARTICIPANT, we write nothing to its calendar
  if ([[attendee role] caseInsensitiveCompare: @"NON-PARTICIPANT"] == NSOrderedSame)
    return nil;

  error = nil;

  eventObject = [self _lookupEvent: eventUID forUID: uid];
  if (![eventObject isNew])
      if (recurrenceId == nil)
          // We must update main event and all its occurences (if any).
          calendar = [eventObject calendar: NO secure: NO];
          event = (iCalEntityObject*)[calendar firstChildWithTag: [self componentTag]];
          // If recurrenceId is defined, find the specified occurence
          // within the repeating vEvent.
          recurrenceTime = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%f", [recurrenceId timeIntervalSince1970]];
          event = [eventObject lookupOccurrence: recurrenceTime];
          if (event == nil)
          // If no occurence found, create one
          event = [eventObject newOccurenceWithID: recurrenceTime];
      if ([[event sequence] intValue] <= [sequence intValue])
          SOGoUser *currentUser;
          currentUser = [context activeUser];
          otherAttendee = [event userAsAttendee: theOwnerUser];
          delegateEmail = [otherAttendee delegatedTo];
          if ([delegateEmail length])
            delegateEmail = [delegateEmail rfc822Email];
          if ([delegateEmail length])
            otherDelegate = [event findAttendeeWithEmail: delegateEmail];
            otherDelegate = nil;
          /* we handle the addition/deletion of delegate users */
          addDelegate = NO;
          removeDelegate = NO;
          if (delegate)
              if (otherDelegate)
                  if (![delegate hasSameEmailAddress: otherDelegate])
                      removeDelegate = YES;
                      addDelegate = YES;
                addDelegate = YES;
              if (otherDelegate)
                removeDelegate = YES;
          if (removeDelegate)
              while (otherDelegate)
                  [event removeFromAttendees: otherDelegate];
                  // Verify if the delegate was already delegate
                  delegateEmail = [otherDelegate delegatedTo];
                  if ([delegateEmail length])
                    delegateEmail = [delegateEmail rfc822Email];
                  if ([delegateEmail length])
                    otherDelegate = [event findAttendeeWithEmail: delegateEmail];
                    otherDelegate = nil;
          if (addDelegate)
            [event addToAttendees: delegate];
          [otherAttendee setPartStat: [attendee partStat]];
          [otherAttendee setDelegatedTo: [attendee delegatedTo]];
          [otherAttendee setDelegatedFrom: [attendee delegatedFrom]];
          // Remove the RSVP attribute, as an action from the attendee
          // was actually performed, and this confuses iCal (bug #1850)
          [[otherAttendee attributes] removeObjectForKey: @"RSVP"];
          // If one has accepted / declined an invitation on behalf of
          // the attendee, we add the user to the SENT-BY attribute.
          if (b && ![[currentUser login] isEqualToString: [theOwnerUser login]])
              NSString *currentEmail, *quotedEmail;
              currentEmail = [[currentUser allEmails] objectAtIndex: 0];
              quotedEmail = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"\"MAILTO:%@\"", currentEmail];
              [otherAttendee setValue: 0 ofAttribute: @"SENT-BY"
                                   to: quotedEmail];
              // We must REMOVE any SENT-BY here. This is important since if A accepted
              // the event for B and then, B changes by theirself their participation status,
              // we don't want to keep the previous SENT-BY attribute there.
              [(NSMutableDictionary *)[otherAttendee attributes] removeObjectForKey: @"SENT-BY"];
      // We save the updated iCalendar in the database.
      [event setLastModified: [NSCalendarDate calendarDate]];
      error = [eventObject saveCalendar: [event parent]];
  return error;

// This method is invoked from the SOGo Web interface or from the DAV interface.
// - theOwnerUser is owner of the calendar where the attendee
//   participation state has changed.
- (NSException *) _handleAttendee: (iCalPerson *) attendee
                     withDelegate: (iCalPerson *) delegate
                        ownerUser: (SOGoUser *) theOwnerUser
                     statusChange: (NSString *) newStatus
                          inEvent: (iCalEvent *) event
  iCalPerson *otherAttendee, *otherDelegate;
  NSString *currentStatus, *organizerUID;
  SOGoUser *ownerUser, *currentUser;
  NSString *delegateEmail;
  NSException *ex;

  BOOL addDelegate, removeDelegate;

  currentStatus = [attendee partStat];
  otherAttendee = attendee;
  ex = nil;
  delegateEmail = [otherAttendee delegatedTo];
  if ([delegateEmail length])
    delegateEmail = [delegateEmail rfc822Email];
  if ([delegateEmail length])
    otherDelegate = [event findAttendeeWithEmail: delegateEmail];
    otherDelegate = nil;
  // We handle the addition/deletion of delegate users
  addDelegate = NO;
  removeDelegate = NO;
  if (delegate)
      if (otherDelegate)
          // There was already a delegate
          if (![delegate hasSameEmailAddress: otherDelegate])
              // The delegate has changed
              removeDelegate = YES;
              addDelegate = YES;
        // There was no previous delegate
        addDelegate = YES;
      if (otherDelegate)
        // The user has removed the delegate
        removeDelegate = YES;
  if (addDelegate || removeDelegate
                  || [currentStatus caseInsensitiveCompare: newStatus] != NSOrderedSame)
      NSMutableArray *delegates;
      NSString *delegatedUID;

      delegatedUID = nil;
      [attendee setPartStat: newStatus];
      // If one has accepted / declined an invitation on behalf of
      // the attendee, we add the user to the SENT-BY attribute.
      currentUser = [context activeUser];
      if (![[currentUser login] isEqualToString: [theOwnerUser login]])
          NSString *currentEmail, *quotedEmail;
          currentEmail = [[currentUser allEmails] objectAtIndex: 0];
          quotedEmail = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"\"MAILTO:%@\"", currentEmail];
          [attendee setValue: 0 ofAttribute: @"SENT-BY"
                          to: quotedEmail];
          // We must REMOVE any SENT-BY here. This is important since if A accepted
          // the event for B and then, B changes by theirself their participation status,
          // we don't want to keep the previous SENT-BY attribute there.
          [(NSMutableDictionary *)[attendee attributes] removeObjectForKey: @"SENT-BY"];
      [attendee setDelegatedTo: [delegate email]];
      if (removeDelegate)
          delegates = [NSMutableArray array];
          while (otherDelegate)
              [delegates addObject: otherDelegate];
              delegatedUID = [otherDelegate uidInContext: context];
              if (delegatedUID)
                // Delegate attendee is a local user; remove event from their calendar
                [self _removeEventFromUID: delegatedUID
                                    owner: [theOwnerUser login]
                         withRecurrenceId: [event recurrenceId]];
              [event removeFromAttendees: otherDelegate];
              // Verify if the delegate was already delegated
              delegateEmail = [otherDelegate delegatedTo];
              if ([delegateEmail length])
                delegateEmail = [delegateEmail rfc822Email];
              if ([delegateEmail length])
                otherDelegate = [event findAttendeeWithEmail: delegateEmail];
                otherDelegate = nil;

	  if ([self _shouldScheduleEvent: [event organizer]])
	    [self sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Deletion"
				    forObject: [event itipEntryWithMethod: @"cancel"]
			       previousObject: nil
				  toAttendees: delegates
				     withType: @"calendar:cancellation"];
        } // if (removeDelegate)
      if (addDelegate)
          delegatedUID = [delegate uidInContext: context];
          delegates = [NSArray arrayWithObject: delegate];
          [event addToAttendees: delegate];
          if (delegatedUID)
            // Delegate attendee is a local user; add event to their calendar
            [self _addOrUpdateEvent: event
                           oldEvent: nil
                             forUID: delegatedUID
                              owner: [theOwnerUser login]];

	  if ([self _shouldScheduleEvent: [event organizer]])
	    [self sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Invitation"
				    forObject: [event itipEntryWithMethod: @"request"]
			       previousObject: nil
				  toAttendees: delegates
				     withType: @"calendar:invitation"];
        } // if (addDelegate)
      // If the current user isn't the organizer of the event
      // that has just been updated, we update the event and
      // send a notification
      ownerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner];
      if (!(ex || [event userIsOrganizer: ownerUser]))
          if ([event isStillRelevant])
            [self sendResponseToOrganizer: event
                                     from: ownerUser];
          organizerUID = [[event organizer] uidInContext: context];
          // Event is an exception to a recurring event; retrieve organizer from master event
          if (!organizerUID)
            organizerUID = [[(iCalEntityObject*)[[event parent] firstChildWithTag: [self componentTag]] organizer] uidInContext: context];
          if (organizerUID)
            // Update the attendee in organizer's calendar.
            ex = [self _updateAttendee: attendee
                          withDelegate: delegate
                             ownerUser: theOwnerUser
                           forEventUID: [event uid]
                      withRecurrenceId: [event recurrenceId]
                          withSequence: [event sequence]
                                forUID: organizerUID
                       shouldAddSentBy: YES];
      // We update the calendar of all attendees that are
      // local to the system. This is useful in case user A accepts
      // invitation from organizer B and users C, D, E who are also
      // attendees need to verify if A has accepted.
      NSArray *attendees;
      iCalPerson *att;
      NSString *uid;
      int i;
      attendees = [event attendees];
      for (i = 0; i < [attendees count]; i++)
          att = [attendees objectAtIndex: i];
          uid = [att uidInContext: context];
          if (uid && att != attendee && ![uid isEqualToString: delegatedUID])
            [self _updateAttendee: attendee
                     withDelegate: delegate
                        ownerUser: theOwnerUser
                      forEventUID: [event uid]
                 withRecurrenceId: [event recurrenceId]
                     withSequence: [event sequence]
                           forUID: uid
                  shouldAddSentBy: YES];
  return ex;

- (NSDictionary *) _caldavSuccessCodeWithRecipient: (NSString *) recipient
  NSMutableArray *element;
  NSDictionary *code;

  element = [NSMutableArray array];
  [element addObject: davElementWithContent (@"recipient", XMLNS_CALDAV, recipient)];
  [element addObject: davElementWithContent (@"request-status", XMLNS_CALDAV, @"2.0;Success")];
  code = davElementWithContent (@"response", XMLNS_CALDAV, element);

  return code;

// Old CalDAV scheduling (draft 4 and below) methods. We keep them since we still
// advertise for its support but we do everything within the calendar-auto-scheduling code
- (NSArray *) postCalDAVEventRequestTo: (NSArray *) recipients
                                  from: (NSString *) originator
  NSEnumerator *recipientsEnum;
  NSMutableArray *elements;
  NSString *recipient;
  elements = [NSMutableArray array];

  recipientsEnum = [recipients objectEnumerator];

  while ((recipient = [recipientsEnum nextObject]))
    if ([[recipient lowercaseString] hasPrefix: @"mailto:"])
        [elements addObject: [self _caldavSuccessCodeWithRecipient: recipient]];

  return elements;

- (NSArray *) postCalDAVEventCancelTo: (NSArray *) recipients
                                 from: (NSString *) originator
  NSEnumerator *recipientsEnum;
  NSMutableArray *elements;

  NSString *recipient;

  elements = [NSMutableArray array];

  recipientsEnum = [recipients objectEnumerator];

  while ((recipient = [recipientsEnum nextObject]))
    if ([[recipient lowercaseString] hasPrefix: @"mailto:"])
        [elements addObject: [self _caldavSuccessCodeWithRecipient: recipient]];

  return elements;

- (NSArray *) postCalDAVEventReplyTo: (NSArray *) recipients
                                from: (NSString *) originator
  NSEnumerator *recipientsEnum;
  NSMutableArray *elements;
  NSString *recipient;

  elements = [NSMutableArray array];
  recipientsEnum = [recipients objectEnumerator];

  while ((recipient = [recipientsEnum nextObject]))
    if ([[recipient lowercaseString] hasPrefix: @"mailto:"])
        [elements addObject: [self _caldavSuccessCodeWithRecipient: recipient]];

  return elements;

- (NSException *) changeParticipationStatus: (NSString *) status
                               withDelegate: (iCalPerson *) delegate
                                      alarm: (iCalAlarm *) alarm
  return [self changeParticipationStatus: status
                            withDelegate: delegate
                                   alarm: alarm
                         forRecurrenceId: nil];

- (NSException *) changeParticipationStatus: (NSString *) _status
                               withDelegate: (iCalPerson *) delegate
                                      alarm: (iCalAlarm *) alarm
                            forRecurrenceId: (NSCalendarDate *) _recurrenceId
  iCalCalendar *calendar;
  iCalEvent *event;
  iCalPerson *attendee;
  NSException *ex;
  SOGoUser *ownerUser, *delegatedUser;
  NSString *recurrenceTime, *delegatedUid, *domain;

  event = nil;
  ex = nil;
  delegatedUser = nil;

  calendar = [[self calendar: NO secure: NO] mutableCopy];
  [calendar autorelease];

  if (_recurrenceId)
      // If _recurrenceId is defined, find the specified occurence
      // within the repeating vEvent.
      recurrenceTime = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%f", [_recurrenceId timeIntervalSince1970]];
      event = (iCalEvent*)[self lookupOccurrence: recurrenceTime];

      // If no occurence found, create one
      if (event == nil)
        event = (iCalEvent*)[self newOccurenceWithID: recurrenceTime];
    // No specific occurence specified; return the first vEvent of
    // the vCalendar.
    event = (iCalEvent*)[calendar firstChildWithTag: [self componentTag]];
  if (event)
      // ownerUser will actually be the owner of the calendar
      // where the participation change on the event occurs. The particpation
      // change will be on the attendee corresponding to the ownerUser.
      ownerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner];
      attendee = [event userAsAttendee: ownerUser];
      if (attendee)
          if (delegate && ![[delegate email] isEqualToString: [attendee delegatedTo]])
              delegatedUid = [delegate uidInContext: context];
              if (delegatedUid)
                delegatedUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: delegatedUid];
              if (delegatedUser != nil && [event userIsOrganizer: delegatedUser])
                ex = [self exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 409
                                            reason: @"delegate is organizer"];
              if ([event isAttendee: [[delegate email] rfc822Email]])
                ex = [self exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 409
                                            reason: @"delegate is a participant"];
              else {
                NSDictionary *dict;
                domain = [[context activeUser] domain];
                dict = [[SOGoUserManager sharedUserManager] contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: [[delegate email] rfc822Email]
                                                                                     inDomain: domain];
                if (dict && [[dict objectForKey: @"isGroup"] boolValue])
                  ex = [self exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 409
                                              reason: @"delegate is a group"];
          if (ex == nil)
              // Remove the RSVP attribute, as an action from the attendee
              // was actually performed, and this confuses iCal (bug #1850)
              [[attendee attributes] removeObjectForKey: @"RSVP"];
              ex = [self _handleAttendee: attendee
                            withDelegate: delegate
                               ownerUser: ownerUser
                            statusChange: _status
                                 inEvent: event];
          if (ex == nil)
              // We generate the updated iCalendar file and we save it in
              // the database. We do this ONLY when using SOGo from the
              // Web interface or over ActiveSync.
              // Over DAV, it'll be handled directly in PUTAction:
              if (![context request] ||
                  [[context request] handledByDefaultHandler] ||
                  [[[context request] requestHandlerKey] isEqualToString: @"Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync"])
                  // If an alarm was specified, let's use it. This would happen if an attendee accepts/declines/etc. an
                  // event invitation and also sets an alarm along the way. This would happen ONLY from the web interface.
                  [event removeAllAlarms];

                  if (alarm)
                      [event addToAlarms: alarm];

                  [event setLastModified: [NSCalendarDate calendarDate]];
                  ex = [self saveCalendar: [event parent]];
        ex = [self exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 404 // Not Found
                                    reason: @"user does not participate in this calendar event"];
    ex = [self exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 500 // Server Error
                                reason: @"unable to parse event record"];

  return ex;

- (void) prepareDeleteOccurence: (iCalEvent *) occurence
  SOGoUser *ownerUser, *currentUser;
  NSCalendarDate *recurrenceId;
  NSArray *attendees;
  iCalEvent *event;
  BOOL send_receipt;

  ownerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner];
  event = [self component: NO secure: NO];
  send_receipt = YES;

  if (occurence == nil)
      // No occurence specified; use the master event.
      occurence = event;
      recurrenceId = nil;
    // Retrieve this occurence ID.
    recurrenceId = [occurence recurrenceId];

  if ([occurence userIsAttendee: ownerUser])
      // The current user deletes the occurence; let the organizer know that
      // the user has declined this occurence.
      [self changeParticipationStatus: @"DECLINED"
                         withDelegate: nil
                                alarm: nil
                      forRecurrenceId: recurrenceId];
      send_receipt = NO;
      // The organizer (or a user with sufficient rights) deletes an occurence
      currentUser = [context activeUser];

      if (recurrenceId)
          if (activeUserIsOwner)
            attendees = [occurence attendeesWithoutUser: currentUser];
            attendees = [occurence attendeesWithoutUser: ownerUser];
        attendees = [[event parent] attendeesWithoutUser: currentUser];
      //if (![attendees count] && event != occurence)
      //attendees = [event attendeesWithoutUser: currentUser];
      if ([attendees count])
          // Remove the event from all attendees calendars
          // and send them an email.
          [self _handleRemovedUsers: attendees
                   withRecurrenceId: recurrenceId];

	  if ([self _shouldScheduleEvent: [event organizer]])
	    [self sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Deletion"
				    forObject: [occurence itipEntryWithMethod: @"cancel"]
			       previousObject: nil
				  toAttendees: attendees
				     withType: @"calendar:cancellation"];

  if (send_receipt)
    [self sendReceiptEmailForObject: event
		     addedAttendees: nil
		   deletedAttendees: nil
		   updatedAttendees: nil
			  operation: EventDeleted];

- (NSException *) prepareDelete
  [self prepareDeleteOccurence: nil];

  return [super prepareDelete];

- (NSDictionary *) _partStatsFromCalendar: (iCalCalendar *) calendar
  NSMutableDictionary *partStats;
  NSArray *allEvents;
  int count, max;
  iCalEvent *currentEvent;
  iCalPerson *ownerAttendee;
  NSString *key;
  SOGoUser *ownerUser;

  ownerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner];

  allEvents = [calendar events];
  max = [allEvents count];
  partStats = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: max];

  for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
      currentEvent = [allEvents objectAtIndex: count];
      ownerAttendee = [currentEvent userAsAttendee: ownerUser];
      if (ownerAttendee)
          if (count == 0)
            key = @"master";
            key = [[currentEvent recurrenceId] iCalFormattedDateTimeString];
          [partStats setObject: ownerAttendee forKey: key];

  return partStats;

- (iCalCalendar *) _setupResponseInRequestCalendar: (iCalCalendar *) rqCalendar
  iCalCalendar *calendar;
  NSArray *keys;
  NSDictionary *partStats, *newPartStats;
  NSString *partStat, *key;
  int count, max;

  calendar = [self calendar: NO secure: NO];
  partStats = [self _partStatsFromCalendar: calendar];
  keys = [partStats allKeys];
  max = [keys count];
  if (max > 0)
      newPartStats = [self _partStatsFromCalendar: rqCalendar];
      if ([keys isEqualToArray: [newPartStats allKeys]])
          for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
              key = [keys objectAtIndex: count];
              partStat = [[newPartStats objectForKey: key] partStat];
              [[partStats objectForKey: key] setPartStat: partStat];

  return calendar;

- (void) _adjustTransparencyInRequestCalendar: (iCalCalendar *) rqCalendar
  NSArray *allEvents;
  iCalEvent *event;
  int i;

  allEvents = [rqCalendar events];
  for (i = 0; i < [allEvents count]; i++)
      event = [allEvents objectAtIndex: i];
      if ([event isAllDay] && [event isOpaque])
          [event setTransparency: @"TRANSPARENT"];

// [1] iOS devices (and potentially others) send event invitations with no PARTSTAT defined.
// This confuses DAV clients like Thunderbird, or even SOGo web. RFC 5545 says:
//    Description: This parameter can be specified on properties with a
//    CAL-ADDRESS value type. The parameter identifies the participation
//    status for the calendar user specified by the property value. The
//    parameter values differ depending on whether they are associated with
//    a group scheduled "VEVENT", "VTODO" or "VJOURNAL". The values MUST
//    match one of the values allowed for the given calendar component. If
//    not specified on a property that allows this parameter, the default
//    value is NEEDS-ACTION.
// [2] Thunderbird (and potentially others) send event invitations with no RSVP defined.
// Without any RSVP, the Web interface won't allow the user to respond to the invitation.
// For this reason, we set it to TRUE when missing, even though RFC 5545 says the default
// value is FALSE.
- (void) _adjustPartStatInRequestCalendar: (iCalCalendar *) rqCalendar
  NSArray *allObjects, *allAttendees;
  iCalPerson *attendee;
  id entity;
  int i, j;
  allObjects = [rqCalendar allObjects];

  for (i = 0; i < [allObjects count]; i++)
      entity = [allObjects objectAtIndex: i];

      if ([entity isKindOfClass: [iCalEvent class]])
          allAttendees = [entity attendees];

          for (j = 0; j < [allAttendees count]; j++)
              attendee = [allAttendees objectAtIndex: j];

              if (![[attendee partStat] length])
                [attendee setPartStat: @"NEEDS-ACTION"];
              if (![[attendee rsvp] length])
                [attendee setRsvp: @"TRUE"];

 * Verify vCalendar for any inconsistency or missing attributes.
 * Currently only check if the events have an end date or a duration.
 * We also check for the default transparency parameters.
 * We also check for broken ORGANIZER such as "ORGANIZER;"
 * @param rq the HTTP PUT request
- (void) _adjustEventsInRequestCalendar: (iCalCalendar *) rqCalendar
  NSArray *allEvents;
  iCalEvent *event;
  iCalTimeZone *tz;
  NSUInteger i;
  int j;

  allEvents = [rqCalendar events];

  for (i = 0; i < [allEvents count]; i++)
      event = [allEvents objectAtIndex: i];

      tz = [event adjustInContext: context withTimezones: nil];
      if (tz)
        [rqCalendar addTimeZone: tz];

      if ([event organizer])
          NSString *uid;

          if (![[[event organizer] cn] length])
              [[event organizer] setCn: [[event organizer] rfc822Email]];

          // We now make sure that the organizer, if managed by SOGo, is using
          // its default email when creating events and inviting attendees.
          uid = [[event organizer] uidInContext: context];
          if (uid)
	      iCalPerson *attendee, *organizer;
              NSDictionary *defaultIdentity;
	      SOGoUser *organizerUser;
	      NSArray *allAttendees;

	      organizerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: uid];
              defaultIdentity = [organizerUser primaryIdentity];
	      organizer = [[event organizer] copy];
              [organizer setCn: [defaultIdentity objectForKey: @"fullName"]];
              [organizer setEmail: [defaultIdentity objectForKey: @"email"]];

	      // We now check if one of the attendee is also the organizer. If so,
	      // we remove it. See bug #3905 (
	      // for more details. This is a Calendar app bug on Apple Yosemite.
	      allAttendees = [event attendees];

	      for (j = [allAttendees count]-1; j >= 0; j--)
		  attendee = [allAttendees objectAtIndex: j];
		  if ([organizerUser hasEmail: [attendee rfc822Email]])
		    [event removeFromAttendees: attendee];

	      // We reset the organizer
	      [event setOrganizer: organizer];

- (void) _decomposeGroupsInRequestCalendar: (iCalCalendar *) rqCalendar
  NSArray *allEvents;
  iCalEvent *event;
  int i;

  // The algorithm is pretty straightforward:
  // We get all events
  //   We get all attendees
  //     If some are groups, we decompose them
  // We regenerate the iCalendar string
  allEvents = [rqCalendar events];
  for (i = 0; i < [allEvents count]; i++)
      event = [allEvents objectAtIndex: i];
      [self expandGroupsInEvent: event];

// If theRecurrenceId is nil, it returns immediately the
// first event that has a RECURRENCE-ID.
// Otherwise, it return values that matches.
- (iCalEvent *) _eventFromRecurrenceId: (NSCalendarDate *) theRecurrenceId
                                events: (NSArray *) allEvents
  iCalEvent *event;
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < [allEvents count]; i++)
      event = [allEvents objectAtIndex: i];
      if ([event recurrenceId] && !theRecurrenceId)
        return event;
      if ([event recurrenceId] && [[event recurrenceId] compare: theRecurrenceId] == NSOrderedSame)
        return event;

  return nil;

- (NSCalendarDate *) _addedExDate: (iCalEvent *) oldEvent
                         newEvent: (iCalEvent *) newEvent
  NSArray *oldExDates, *newExDates;
  NSMutableArray *dates;
  int i;
  dates = [NSMutableArray array];
  newExDates = [newEvent childrenWithTag: @"exdate"];
  for (i = 0; i < [newExDates count]; i++)
    [dates addObject: [[newExDates objectAtIndex: i] dateTime]];

  oldExDates = [oldEvent childrenWithTag: @"exdate"];
  for (i = 0; i < [oldExDates count]; i++)
    [dates removeObject: [[oldExDates objectAtIndex: i] dateTime]];

  return [dates lastObject];

- (id) DELETEAction: (WOContext *) _ctx
  [self prepareDelete];
  return [super DELETEAction: _ctx];

// This method is meant to be the common point of any save operation from web
// and DAV requests, as well as from code making use of SOGo as a library
// (OpenChange)
- (NSException *) updateContentWithCalendar: (iCalCalendar *) calendar
                                fromRequest: (WORequest *) rq
  SOGoUser *ownerUser;
  NSException *ex;
  NSArray *roles;

  BOOL ownerIsOrganizer;

  if (calendar == fullCalendar || calendar == safeCalendar
                               || calendar == originalCalendar)
    [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"the 'calendar' argument must be a distinct instance" @" from the original object"];

  ownerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner];

  roles = [[context activeUser] rolesForObject: self
                                     inContext: context];
  // We check if we gave only the "Respond To" right and someone is actually
  // responding to one of our invitation. In this case, _setupResponseCalendarInRequest
  // will only take the new attendee status and actually discard any other modifications.
  if ([roles containsObject: @"ComponentResponder"] && ![roles containsObject: @"ComponentModifier"])
    calendar = [self _setupResponseInRequestCalendar: calendar];
      if (![[rq headersForKey: @"X-SOGo"] containsObject: @"NoGroupsDecomposition"])
        [self _decomposeGroupsInRequestCalendar: calendar];
      if ([[ownerUser domainDefaults] iPhoneForceAllDayTransparency] && [rq isIPhone])
	[self _adjustTransparencyInRequestCalendar: calendar];
      [self _adjustEventsInRequestCalendar: calendar];
      [self adjustClassificationInRequestCalendar: calendar];
      [self _adjustPartStatInRequestCalendar: calendar];
  // We first check if it's a new event
  if ([self isNew])
      iCalEvent *event;
      NSArray *attendees;
      NSString *eventUID;

      event = [[calendar events] objectAtIndex: 0];
      eventUID = [event uid];
      attendees = nil;

      // make sure eventUID doesn't conflict with an existing event -  see bug #1853
      // TODO: send out a no-uid-conflict (DAV:href) xml element (rfc4791 section
      if ([container resourceNameForEventUID: eventUID])
          return [self exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 409
                                        reason: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Event UID already in use. (%@)", eventUID]];
      // New event and we're the organizer -- send invitation to all attendees
      ownerIsOrganizer = [event userIsOrganizer: ownerUser];

      // We handle the situation where the SOGo Integrator extension isn't installed or
      // if the SENT-BY isn't set. That can happen if Bob invites Alice by creating the event
      // in Annie's calendar. Annie should be the organizer, and Bob the SENT-BY. But most
      // broken CalDAV client that aren't identity-aware will create the event in Annie's calendar
      // and set Bob as the organizer. We fix this for them. See #3368 for details.
      if (!ownerIsOrganizer &&
	  [[context activeUser] hasEmail: [[event organizer] rfc822Email]])
	  [[event organizer] setCn: [ownerUser cn]];
	  [[event organizer] setEmail: [[ownerUser allEmails] objectAtIndex: 0]];
	  [[event organizer] setSentBy: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"\"MAILTO:%@\"", [[[context activeUser] allEmails] objectAtIndex: 0]]];
	  ownerIsOrganizer = YES;

      if (ownerIsOrganizer)
	  attendees = [event attendeesWithoutUser: ownerUser];
	  if ([attendees count])
	      if ((ex = [self _handleAddedUsers: attendees fromEvent: event  force: YES]))
		return ex;
		  // We might have auto-accepted resources here. If that's the
		  // case, let's regenerate the versitstring and replace the
		  // one from the request.
		  [rq setContent: [[[event parent] versitString] dataUsingEncoding: [rq contentEncoding]]];

	      if ([self _shouldScheduleEvent: [event organizer]])
		[self sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Invitation"
					forObject: [event itipEntryWithMethod: @"request"]
				   previousObject: nil
				      toAttendees: attendees
					 withType: @"calendar:invitation"];
      // We aren't the organizer but we're an attendee. That can happen when
      // we receive an external invitation (IMIP/ITIP) and we accept it
      // from a CUA - it gets added to a specific CalDAV calendar using a PUT
      else if ([event userIsAttendee: ownerUser] && [self _shouldScheduleEvent: [event userAsAttendee: ownerUser]])
          [self sendResponseToOrganizer: event
                                   from: ownerUser];
      [self sendReceiptEmailForObject: event
		       addedAttendees: attendees
		     deletedAttendees: nil
		     updatedAttendees: nil
			    operation: EventCreated];
    }  // if ([self isNew])
      iCalCalendar *oldCalendar;
      iCalEvent *oldEvent, *newEvent;
      iCalEventChanges *changes;
      NSMutableArray *oldEvents, *newEvents;
      NSCalendarDate *recurrenceId;
      int i;

      // We check what has changed in the event and react accordingly.
      newEvents = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [calendar events]];

      oldCalendar = [self calendar: NO secure: NO];
      oldEvents = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [oldCalendar events]];
      recurrenceId = nil;

      for (i = [newEvents count]-1; i >= 0; i--)
          newEvent = [newEvents objectAtIndex: i];
          if ([newEvent recurrenceId])
              // Find the corresponding RECURRENCE-ID in the old calendar
              // If not present, we assume it was created before the PUT
              oldEvent = [self _eventFromRecurrenceId: [newEvent recurrenceId]
                                               events: oldEvents];
              if (oldEvent == nil)
                  NSString *recurrenceTime;
                  recurrenceTime = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%f", [[newEvent recurrenceId] timeIntervalSince1970]];
                  oldEvent = (iCalEvent *)[self newOccurenceWithID: recurrenceTime];
              // If present, we look for changes
              changes = [iCalEventChanges changesFromEvent: oldEvent  toEvent: newEvent];
              if ([changes sequenceShouldBeIncreased] | [changes hasAttendeeChanges])
                  // We found a RECURRENCE-ID with changes, we consider it
                  recurrenceId = [newEvent recurrenceId];
                  [newEvents removeObject: newEvent];
                  [oldEvents removeObject: oldEvent];
          oldEvent = nil;
          newEvent = nil;

      // If no changes were observed, let's see if we have any left overs
      // in the oldEvents or in the newEvents array
      if (!oldEvent && !newEvent)
          // We check if we only have to deal with the MASTER event
          if ([oldEvents count] && [newEvents count] == [oldEvents count])
              oldEvent = [oldEvents objectAtIndex: 0];
              newEvent = [newEvents objectAtIndex: 0];
          // A RECURRENCE-ID was added
          else if ([newEvents count] > [oldEvents count])
              oldEvent = nil;
              newEvent = [self _eventFromRecurrenceId: nil  events: newEvents];
              recurrenceId = [newEvent recurrenceId];
          // A RECURRENCE-ID was removed
              oldEvent = [self _eventFromRecurrenceId: nil  events: oldEvents];
              newEvent = nil;
              recurrenceId = [oldEvent recurrenceId];
      // We check if the PUT call is actually an PART-STATE change
      // from one of the attendees - here's the logic :
      // if owner == organizer
      //    if [context activeUser] == organizer
      //      [send the invitation update]
      //    else
      //      [react on SENT-BY as someone else is acting for the organizer]
      int newCount = [[newEvent attendees] count], oldCount = [[oldEvent attendees] count];
      if (newCount > 0 || oldCount > 0)
          BOOL userIsOrganizer;

          // newEvent might be nil here, if we're deleting a RECURRENCE-ID with attendees
          // If that's the case, we use the oldEvent to obtain the organizer
          if (newEvent)
              ownerIsOrganizer = [newEvent userIsOrganizer: ownerUser];
              userIsOrganizer = [newEvent userIsOrganizer: [context activeUser]];
              ownerIsOrganizer = [oldEvent userIsOrganizer: ownerUser];
              userIsOrganizer = [oldEvent userIsOrganizer: [context activeUser]];

	  // We handle the situation where the SOGo Integrator extension isn't installed or
	  // if the SENT-BY isn't set. That can happen if Bob invites Alice by creating the event
	  // in Annie's calendar. Annie should be the organizer, and Bob the SENT-BY. But most
	  // broken CalDAV client that aren't identity-aware will create the event in Annie's calendar
	  // and set Bob as the organizer. We fix this for them.  See #3368 for details.
          // We also handle the case where Bob invites Alice and Bob has full access to Alice's calendar
          // After inviting ALice, Bob opens the event in Alice's calendar and accept/declines the event.
	  if (!userIsOrganizer &&
              !ownerIsOrganizer &&
	      [[context activeUser] hasEmail: [[newEvent organizer] rfc822Email]])
	      [[newEvent organizer] setCn: [ownerUser cn]];
	      [[newEvent organizer] setEmail: [[ownerUser allEmails] objectAtIndex: 0]];
	      [[newEvent organizer] setSentBy: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"\"MAILTO:%@\"", [[[context activeUser] allEmails] objectAtIndex: 0]]];
	      ownerIsOrganizer = YES;

          // With Thunderbird 10, if you create a recurring event with an exception
          // occurence, and invite someone, the PUT will have the organizer in the
          // recurrence-id and not in the master event. We must fix this, otherwise
          // SOGo will break.
          if (!recurrenceId && ![[[[[newEvent parent] events] objectAtIndex: 0] organizer] uidInContext: context])
            [[[[newEvent parent] events] objectAtIndex: 0] setOrganizer: [newEvent organizer]];

          if (ownerIsOrganizer)
	      // We check ACLs of the 'organizer' - in case someone forges the SENT-BY
	      NSString *uid;

	      uid = [[oldEvent organizer] uidInContext: context];

	      if (uid && [[[context activeUser] login] caseInsensitiveCompare: uid] != NSOrderedSame)
		  SOGoAppointmentObject *organizerObject;

		  organizerObject = [self _lookupEvent: [oldEvent uid] forUID: uid];
		  roles = [[context activeUser] rolesForObject: organizerObject
						     inContext: context];

		  if (![roles containsObject: @"ComponentModifier"] && ![[context activeUser] isSuperUser])
		      return [self exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 409
                                                    reason: @"Not allowed to perform this action. Wrong SENT-BY being used regarding access rights on organizer's calendar."];

              // A RECCURENCE-ID was removed
              if (!newEvent && oldEvent)
                [self prepareDeleteOccurence: oldEvent];
              // The master event was changed, A RECCURENCE-ID was added or modified
              else if ((ex = [self _handleUpdatedEvent: newEvent  fromOldEvent: oldEvent  force: YES]))
                return ex;
            } // if (ownerIsOrganizer) ..
          // else => attendee is responding
          //   if [context activeUser] == attendee
          //       [we change the PART-STATE]
          //   else
          //      [react on SENT-BY as someone else is acting for the attendee]
              iCalPerson *attendee, *delegate;
              NSString *delegateEmail;

              attendee = [oldEvent userAsAttendee: [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner]];

              if (!attendee)
                attendee = [newEvent userAsAttendee: [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner]];
                  // We must do an extra check here since Bob could have invited Alice
                  // using but she would have accepted with ATTENDEE set
                  // to That would duplicate the ATTENDEE and set the
                  // participation status to ACCEPTED for but leave it
                  // to NEEDS-ACTION to alice@example. This can happen in Mozilla Thunderbird/Lightning
                  // when a user with multiple identities accepts an event invitation to one
                  // of its identity (which is different than the email address associated with
                  // the mail account) prior doing a calendar refresh.
                  NSMutableArray *attendees;
                  iCalPerson *participant;

                  attendees = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [newEvent attendeesWithoutUser: [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner]]];

                  participant = [newEvent participantForUser: [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner]
                                                    attendee: attendee];
                  [attendee setPartStat: [participant partStat]];
                  [attendee setDelegatedFrom: [participant delegatedFrom]];
                  [attendee setDelegatedTo: [participant delegatedTo]];
                  [attendees addObject: attendee];
                  [newEvent setAttendees: attendees];
              // We first check of the sequences are alright. We don't accept attendees
              // accepting "old" invitations. If that's the case, we return a 409
              if ([[newEvent sequence] intValue] < [[oldEvent sequence] intValue])
                return [self exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 409
                                              reason: @"sequences don't match"];
              // Remove the RSVP attribute, as an action from the attendee
              // was actually performed, and this confuses iCal (bug #1850)
              [[attendee attributes] removeObjectForKey: @"RSVP"];
              delegate = nil;
              delegateEmail = [attendee delegatedTo];
              if ([delegateEmail length])
                  if ([[delegateEmail lowercaseString] hasPrefix: @"mailto:"])
                    delegateEmail = [delegateEmail substringFromIndex: 7];
                  if ([delegateEmail length])
                    delegate = [newEvent findAttendeeWithEmail: delegateEmail];
              changes = [iCalEventChanges changesFromEvent: oldEvent  toEvent: newEvent];
              // The current user deletes the occurence; let the organizer know that
              // the user has declined this occurence.
              if ([[changes updatedProperties] containsObject: @"exdate"])
                  [self changeParticipationStatus: @"DECLINED"
                                     withDelegate: nil // FIXME (specify delegate?)
                                            alarm: nil
                                  forRecurrenceId: [self _addedExDate: oldEvent  newEvent: newEvent]];
              else if (attendee)
                  [self changeParticipationStatus: [attendee partStat]
                                     withDelegate: delegate
                                            alarm: nil
                                  forRecurrenceId: recurrenceId];
              // All attendees and the organizer field were removed. Apple iCal does
              // that when we remove the last attendee of an event.
              // We must update previous's attendees' calendars to actually
              // remove the event in each of them.
                  [self _handleRemovedUsers: [changes deletedAttendees]
                           withRecurrenceId: recurrenceId];
        } // if ([[newEvent attendees] count] || [[oldEvent attendees] count])
          changes = [iCalEventChanges changesFromEvent: oldEvent  toEvent: newEvent];
          if ([changes hasMajorChanges])
            [self sendReceiptEmailForObject: newEvent
                             addedAttendees: nil
                           deletedAttendees: nil
                           updatedAttendees: nil
                                  operation: EventUpdated];
    }  // else of if (isNew) ...
  unsigned int baseVersion;
  // We must NOT invoke [super PUTAction:] here as it'll resave
  // the content string and we could have etag mismatches.
  baseVersion = (isNew ? 0 : version);
  ex = [self saveComponent: calendar
               baseVersion: baseVersion];
  return ex;

// If we see "X-SOGo: NoGroupsDecomposition" in the HTTP headers, we
// simply invoke super's PUTAction.
// We also check if we must force transparency on all day events
// from iPhone clients.
- (id) PUTAction: (WOContext *) _ctx
  NSException *ex;
  NSString *etag;
  WORequest *rq;
  WOResponse *response;
  iCalCalendar *rqCalendar;
  BOOL mustUpdate;
  rq = [_ctx request];
  NSString *myString = [rq contentAsString];
  NSString *myStringEdited = [myString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"TZOFFSETTO:+023017" withString:@"TZOFFSETTO:+0300"];
  NSString *myStringEdited2 = [myStringEdited stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"TZOFFSETFROM:+023017" withString:@"TZOFFSETFROM:+0300"];
  rqCalendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: myStringEdited2];
  mustUpdate = YES;
  ex = nil;

  // We are unable to parse the received calendar, we return right away
  // with a 400 error code.
  if (!rqCalendar)
      return [NSException exceptionWithDAVStatus: 400
                                          reason: @"Unable to parse event."];
  if ([self isNew])
      iCalEvent *masterEvent;
      SOGoUser *ownerUser;

      ownerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner];
      masterEvent = [[rqCalendar events] objectAtIndex: 0];

      if (![masterEvent userIsOrganizer: ownerUser] && [masterEvent userIsAttendee: ownerUser])
          // This is a new event, but the user is an attendee; check if the event has
          // already been saved to another calendar.
          iCalCalendar *currentCalendar;
          iCalEvent *currentMasterEvent;
          NSArray *folders;
          NSEnumerator *e;
          NSString *organizerUID;
          SOGoAppointmentFolder *folder;
          SOGoAppointmentObject *object;

          object = nil;
          folders = [container lookupCalendarFoldersForUID: owner];
          e = [folders objectEnumerator];
          while ( object == nil && (folder = [e nextObject]) )
              if (folder != [self container])
                  object = [folder lookupName: nameInContainer
                                    inContext: context
                                      acquire: NO];
                  if (![object isKindOfClass: [NSException class]] && ![object isNew])
                      currentCalendar = [object calendar: NO secure: NO];
                      currentMasterEvent = [[currentCalendar events] objectAtIndex: 0];
                      if ([[masterEvent sequence] compare: [currentMasterEvent sequence]] == NSOrderedAscending ||
                          [[masterEvent sequence] isEqualToNumber: [currentMasterEvent sequence]])
                        // Found older copy in another calendar, delete it
                        [object delete];
                        // Found a higher sequence, ignore PUT
                        mustUpdate = NO;

          // Verify if the event is still present in the organizer calendar
          organizerUID = [[masterEvent organizer] uidInContext: context];
          if (organizerUID && ![[SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults] disableOrganizerEventCheck])
              object = [self _lookupEvent: [masterEvent uid]
                                   forUID: organizerUID];
              if ([object isNew])
                  // The event has vanished
                  return [NSException exceptionWithDAVStatus: 412
                                                      reason: @"Precondition Failed"];
      // We must check for etag changes prior doing anything since an attendee could
      // have changed its participation status and the organizer didn't get the
      // copy and is trying to do a modification to the event.
      ex = [self matchesRequestConditionInContext: context];
      if (ex)
        return ex;

  if (mustUpdate)
    ex = [self updateContentWithCalendar: rqCalendar fromRequest: rq];

  if (ex)
    response = (WOResponse *) ex;
      response = [_ctx response];
      if (isNew && mustUpdate)
        [response setStatus: 201 /* Created */];
        [response setStatus: 204 /* No Content */];
      etag = [self davEntityTag];
      if (etag)
        [response setHeader: etag forKey: @"etag"];
  return response;

- (BOOL) resourceHasAutoAccepted
  return _resourceHasAutoAccepted;

@end /* SOGoAppointmentObject */
SOGoAppointmentObject.m (97,181 bytes)   


2023-06-21 08:14

reporter   ~0017068

Respect. Complie succes.

Спасибо. Скомпилировал, установил баг. Ушел.



2023-06-27 13:04

administrator   ~0017092

The issue is on Apple side. You may need to open an issue on their BTS.




2024-03-21 10:54

reporter   ~0017663

Helo please fix version 5.9.1 - SOGoAppointmentObject.m



2024-03-21 11:21

reporter   ~0017664

Ну вы уж совсем не ленитесь диффнуть-то)
на строке 2563

rqCalendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: [rq contentAsString]];

меняйте на

NSString myString = [rq contentAsString];
myStringEdited = [myString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"TZOFFSETTO:+023017" withString:@"TZOFFSETTO:+0300"];
NSString *myStringEdited2 = [myStringEdited stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"TZOFFSETFROM:+023017" withString:@"TZOFFSETFROM:+0300"];
rqCalendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: myStringEdited2];



2024-09-27 07:10

reporter   ~0017903

I can see, that this problem also happens on Android platform.
Also, if i use Thunderbird client, i can see that this "broken event" in Sogo calendar with wrong time shows correctly in Thunderbird calendar (as well as in Mac Calendar). So i guess there are some preliminary checks for the time offsets, that do not apply on Sogo side.
Also it is interesting, but if i choose different country with same timezome UTS +3, for example switch from Moscom city in Russia region into Mins city in Belarus region, this problem goes away and there is now such time offsets in .ics events that are created in Mac Calendar app.



2025-01-30 09:18

reporter   ~0018043

HI S1ash!
I have the same issue, but my installation is from Debian packages, not from the source. Could you please help me solve this problem?



2025-01-30 09:25

reporter   ~0018044

rather no, because we will have to disassemble and patch the library
besides, we are tired of supporting what the developers do not want to support and have gone to the original exchange, because all this headache with calendars has become quite tiresome)



2025-01-30 09:28

reporter   ~0018045

Do you mean MS Exchange? Could you explain?



2025-01-30 10:20

reporter   ~0018046

Yes, that's it. Well, despite all the attempts of the developers of Sogo to portray active sync, there are no global changes, fixes do not come out either, as in your situation. Constant problems with calendars, freezes, it is not clear where to dig, failures during operation, I'm tired of it



2025-01-30 10:24

reporter   ~0018047

S1ash, thank you so much for your response and the information!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-06-14 14:20 alex87 New Issue
2023-06-14 14:20 alex87 File Added: Screenshot_4.jpg
2023-06-14 14:58 alex87 Note Added: 0017027
2023-06-19 11:57 S1ash Note Added: 0017055
2023-06-20 06:07 alex87 Note Added: 0017057
2023-06-20 09:27 S1ash Note Added: 0017060
2023-06-20 09:27 S1ash File Added: SOGoAppointmentObject.m
2023-06-21 08:14 alex87 Note Added: 0017068
2023-06-27 13:04 sebastien Note Added: 0017092
2023-06-27 13:04 sebastien Assigned To => sebastien
2023-06-27 13:04 sebastien Status new => feedback
2023-09-11 14:24 qhivert Status feedback => closed
2023-09-11 14:24 qhivert Resolution open => won't fix
2024-03-21 10:54 alex87 Status closed => feedback
2024-03-21 10:54 alex87 Resolution won't fix => reopened
2024-03-21 10:54 alex87 Note Added: 0017663
2024-03-21 11:21 S1ash Note Added: 0017664
2024-09-27 07:10 stanito Note Added: 0017903
2024-09-27 07:28 Christian Mack Relationship added has duplicate 0006042
2025-01-30 09:18 DenisB Note Added: 0018043
2025-01-30 09:25 S1ash Note Added: 0018044
2025-01-30 09:28 DenisB Note Added: 0018045
2025-01-30 10:20 S1ash Note Added: 0018046
2025-01-30 10:24 DenisB Note Added: 0018047