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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005350SOGoDocumentationpublic2021-10-07 14:49
Reportersmith8395john Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0005350: What are the COX email Settings For IMAP?

If you want to use your COX email on your email client, we suggest you first try adding it using the Automatic setup method. You won’t see a direct option to add COX email however the automatic setup can be done by selecting Others in Add Account. The email app will configure your account as IMAP and you won’t need to enter any settings manually.
In case the automatic setup doesn’t help, then you can configure COX email settings on your own with the help of the below COX email IMAP settings.

Incoming Server (IMAP) Settings
Select IMAP in Account Type.
Now enter in the Incoming Server hostname.
Enter 993 in the Port field.
You need to enter your complete COX email address in the User Name field.
In the Connection Security, select SSL/TLS.
Select Password in Authentication.

Outgoing Server (SMTP) Settings
Enter the Server Name:
The SMTP port is 465
Enter your complete email address in the UserName field.
Select SSL/TLS in Connection Security.
Authentication: Password.

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Christian Mack

Christian Mack

2021-10-07 14:49

developer   ~0015531

Why should SOGo document anything about COX emails?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-07-03 09:44 smith8395john New Issue
2021-10-07 14:49 Christian Mack Note Added: 0015531