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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005228SOGosogo-toolpublic2020-12-07 07:01
Reportergpapaiko Assigned To 
PriorityhighSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Platform[Server] LinuxOSUbuntuOS Version16.04 LTS
Product Version5.0.1 
Summary0005228: Disclaimer footer, page title, page icon and logo


This is a feature request, unless it is already available, which will then mean the documentation is out of date.

Is there a way ( at domain level for environments with multiple domains) to have following features andable.
1/ SOGoPageTitle - this at the moment is a system setting can cannot be done at the domain level, this should be able to be done at both level system and domain.
2/ SOGoFaviconRelativeURL- this at the moment is a system setting can cannot be done at the domain level, this should be able to be done at both level system and domain.
3/ SOGoVacationFooterTemplateFile - can there be an equivalent say like "SOGoFooterTemplateFile" that will add a footer to ALL email sent, this need to be at a domain level becuase is domain will have it's won disclaimer footer.
4/ Main logo on login page - can a domain parameter say "SOGODomainLogo" ( pointing to the location of a log [png,svg, gif,jgp]) logo file, this can be either a URL or a relative path.

This will the customization for each domain, giving them a custom look and feel for the product.

Also, is there a way to have a "Global Address Book" - like the personal address book, that is completely editable, by an administrator (array of user).
I know that there is a work around by creating a user and then create a custom address book and share that out to all authenticated users., this would work only if the share can be automatically be added to to all users, rather then each user having to add it them-selves.

TagsNo tags attached.




2020-11-30 15:19

administrator   ~0014977

  1. This would more the role of your MTA with a tool such as alterMIME.
  2. This would be more the role of your Web server, by pointing the main logo to a different image depending on the domain.

Concerning the edition of a global address book, look at the "modifiers" parameter.



2020-12-01 00:45

reporter   ~0014982

Hi Francis,

Thanks for the notes.
as to point
3/ alterMIME - I will give that go did not think of it.
The only issue I see with this is that is this will be a GLOBAL setting and applied to all email regardless of of the domain, this needs to be at the domain level,
4/ that logo is hardcoded on the page, webserver (in my case Nginx) can't repoint an <img> tag to a another location. Having said that I am not at all familiar with nginx. if there is a way to do it, can you tell me how and I will give that a go

At this stage we are not using any sort of LDAP only postfix with iRedMail and Mysql db, I will have a look at your sugestions and get back to you on how I go.

As a side not what would be good if to be able to add custom themes, at a per domain level. that will allow the changing of color schemes and icon, loges etc.
Owncloud and Nextcloud have this functionality, so if something like this could be implemented, that would l=really rais the profile of the product.

Thanks for suggestions.



2020-12-07 07:01

reporter   ~0014986

Hi Francis,

Thanks, I got the footer/disclaimer working with altemime and thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

As to item 4, I cannot seem to get that to work with nginx. Does not seem to be changing the logo .

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-11-30 10:03 gpapaiko New Issue
2020-11-30 15:19 francis Note Added: 0014977
2020-12-01 00:45 gpapaiko Note Added: 0014982
2020-12-07 07:01 gpapaiko Note Added: 0014986