sogo: master fc4f5d21

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
francis francis master 2021-01-14 15:13 master 2826c83f

feat(mail): new option to force default identity

Users can now force the default identity to always be used when replying
or forwarding a message.

mod - SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m Diff File
mod - SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.h Diff File
mod - SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m Diff File
mod - SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m Diff File
mod - SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUserDefaults.h Diff File
mod - SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUserDefaults.m Diff File
mod - UI/PreferencesUI/English.lproj/Localizable.strings Diff File
mod - UI/PreferencesUI/UIxJSONPreferences.m Diff File
mod - UI/PreferencesUI/UIxPreferences.m Diff File
mod - UI/Templates/PreferencesUI/UIxAccountEditor.wox Diff File
mod - UI/WebServerResources/js/Mailer/Account.service.js Diff File
mod - UI/WebServerResources/js/Preferences/AccountDialogController.js Diff File