sogo: master baf1d445

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
francis francis master 2016-11-17 09:41 master 5f705559

Fix support for SOGoSieveFolderEncoding defaults

Fixed the following bugs in the mail filter editor:

  1. Sieve folder encoding not respecting the SOGoSieveFolderEncoding
    system defaults;
  2. Conditions are still displayed when rule affects all messages;
  3. Missing custom mail labels to "flag with" action.
mod - NEWS Diff File
mod - UI/PreferencesUI/English.lproj/Localizable.strings Diff File
mod - UI/PreferencesUI/UIxFilterEditor.m Diff File
mod - UI/PreferencesUI/UIxPreferences.m Diff File
mod - UI/Templates/PreferencesUI/UIxFilterEditor.wox Diff File
mod - UI/Templates/PreferencesUI/UIxPreferences.wox Diff File
mod - UI/WebServerResources/js/Preferences/FiltersDialogController.js Diff File