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View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000886SOGoWeb Mailpublic2010-10-16 19:06
Reporteroleksa Assigned Toludovic  
Status resolvedResolutionduplicate 
Product Version1.3.2 
Summary0000886: Need button to change encoding

Kindly ask you to add the possibility to change the encoding of the message. Especially it is essential for messages composed in cyrillic in html in different encodings: cp1251, koi8r, koi8u, dos866 etc. Often I see spoiled messages.
One of workarounds is to try to reply to it or forward in text format.

Another solution, which can be made or added - to let change the html message form to text plain.

See attachment, please.

WBR, Oleksa

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duplicate of 0000887 new Need button to change encoding 




2010-10-06 09:44

reporter   ~0001546

duplicate for the ticket 0000887

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-10-06 09:33 oleksa New Issue
2010-10-06 09:44 oleksa Note Added: 0001546
2010-10-16 19:06 ludovic Relationship added duplicate of 0000887
2010-10-16 19:06 ludovic Duplicate ID 0 => 887
2010-10-16 19:06 ludovic Status new => resolved
2010-10-16 19:06 ludovic Resolution open => duplicate
2010-10-16 19:06 ludovic Assigned To => ludovic