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View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005770SOGoBackend Generalpublic2023-05-22 08:49
Reporterrnaujack Assigned Tosebastien  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Platform[Server] LinuxOSRHEL/CentOSOS Version7
Product Version5.8.2 
Summary0005770: PG-SQl-Error "integer out of range" in Logfile

May 17 10:44:40 sogod [21639]: <0x0x7f75ef12f7b0[GCSFolder]> ERROR(-[GCSFolder writeContent:fromComponent:container:toName:baseVersion:]): cannot update content : <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x7f75eefe9230> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x7f75eeffc9b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x7f75ef32f590[PGConnection]: connection=0x0x7f75eef51100>>): ERROR: integer out of range

May 17 10:44:40 sogod [21639]: [ERROR] <0x7f75ef1d6790[SOGoAppointmentObject]:9d3ebf5e-d458-4b46-8314-2e05297a2666.ics> write failed: <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x7f75eefe9230> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x7f75eeffc9b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x7f75ef32f590[PGConnection]: connection=0x0x7f75eef51100>>): ERROR: integer out of range

Steps To Reproduce

running nigthly build version 0:

TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0005685 resolvedsebastien Calendar entry from Outlook via CalDav Synchronizer leads to SQL error "integer out of range" 




2023-05-17 09:50

administrator   ~0016962

Can you enabled SQL logs and provide request ? Probably duplicate of 0005685




2023-05-22 08:13

reporter   ~0016970

I was waiting for the error and now here ist the part from the log:
2023-05-22 08:12:39.162 sogod[29199:29199] PG0x0x7f5a67b0b000 SQL: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'xxxxxx'
2023-05-22 08:12:39.170 sogod[29199:29199] PG0x0x7f5a67afc550 SQL: SELECT c_version, c_deleted FROM sogoxxxxxx00326832ac0 WHERE (c_name = '9d3ebf5e-d458-4b46-8314-2e05297a
2023-05-22 08:12:39.172 sogod[29199:29199] PG0x0x7f5a67afc550 SQL: BEGIN TRANSACTION
2023-05-22 08:12:39.172 sogod[29199:29199] PG0x0x7f5a67b0b000 SQL: BEGIN TRANSACTION
2023-05-22 08:12:39.173 sogod[29199:29199] PG0x0x7f5a67afc550 SQL: UPDATE sogoxxxxxx00326832ac0_quick SET c_iscycle = 1, c_orgmail = '', c_uid = '9d3ebf5e-d458-4b46-8314-2
e05297a2666', c_nextalarm = 0, c_name = '9d3ebf5e-d458-4b46-8314-2e05297a2666.ics', c_category = 'Geburtstag', c_priority = 0, c_cycleinfo = '{exDates = (20231202T000000Z)
; rules = ("FREQ=YEARLY"); }', c_sequence = 3, c_isallday = 1, c_title = 'Ulrike Kurtz', c_cycleenddate = 2147483647, c_description = '', c_status = 1, c_classification =
0, c_startdate = 4260839296, c_participants = '', c_partmails = '', c_partstates = '', c_component = 'vevent', c_location = '', c_isopaque = 0, c_enddate = -34041601 WHERE
c_name = '9d3ebf5e-d458-4b46-8314-2e05297a2666.ics'
2023-05-22 08:12:39.175 sogod[29199:29199] PG0x0x7f5a67b0b000 SQL: ROLLBACK TRANSACTION
2023-05-22 08:12:39.175 sogod[29199:29199] PG0x0x7f5a67afc550 SQL: ROLLBACK TRANSACTION
May 22 08:12:39 sogod [29199]: <0x0x7f5a67c6f690[GCSFolder]> ERROR(-[GCSFolder writeContent:fromComponent:container:toName:baseVersion:]): cannot update content : <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x7f5a67d3e550> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x7f5a67afc550[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x7f5a67afa6d0[PGConnection]: connection=0x0x7f5a67af41f0>>): ERROR: integer out of range

May 22 08:12:39 sogod [29199]: [ERROR] <0x7f5a67b0d4f0[SOGoAppointmentObject]:9d3ebf5e-d458-4b46-8314-2e05297a2666.ics> write failed: <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x7f5a67d3e550> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x7f5a67afc550[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x7f5a67afa6d0[PGConnection]: connection=0x0x7f5a67af41f0>>): ERROR: integer out of range



2023-05-22 08:49

administrator   ~0016972

Ok this is same issue I close this ticket (duplicate)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-05-17 08:50 rnaujack New Issue
2023-05-17 09:50 sebastien Note Added: 0016962
2023-05-17 09:52 sebastien Relationship added related to 0005685
2023-05-17 13:38 sebastien Assigned To => sebastien
2023-05-17 13:38 sebastien Status new => feedback
2023-05-22 08:13 rnaujack Note Added: 0016970
2023-05-22 08:13 rnaujack Status feedback => assigned
2023-05-22 08:49 sebastien Note Added: 0016972
2023-05-22 08:49 sebastien Status assigned => closed
2023-05-22 08:49 sebastien Resolution open => duplicate