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View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004786SOGoWeb Mailpublic2023-03-07 18:05
ReporterMarcin N Assigned Tosebastien  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformServerOSDebianOS Version9
Product Version4.0.7 
Fixed in Version5.8.1 
Summary0004786: Web mail not forwarding multiple inline attachment with same name

When trying to forward (or save attachments) mail with multiple inline attachments with same name (multiple attachment images pasted inline from clipboard) , only first is forwarded or sent.

The mail must be revived from a different client like gmail web (but also multiple others).

Thunderbird connected to the same account forwards the same email with no problems.

Steps To Reproduce

Send an email from i.e. Gmail with two or more inline images from clipboard to a SOGo web client.
Forward this email within SOGo to someone.
The forwarder email will have only one attachment (and it does not show them inline correctly)

TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0003981 resolvedsebastien images are not handled properly in forwarded or replied to messages 


Marcin N

Marcin N

2019-07-16 08:31


Przechwytywanie1.JPG (53,227 bytes)   
Przechwytywanie1.JPG (53,227 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-07-16 08:31 Marcin N New Issue
2019-07-16 08:31 Marcin N File Added: Przechwytywanie1.JPG
2019-07-16 13:16 francis Relationship added related to 0003981
2023-03-07 18:05 sebastien Assigned To => sebastien
2023-03-07 18:05 sebastien Status new => resolved
2023-03-07 18:05 sebastien Resolution open => fixed
2023-03-07 18:05 sebastien Fixed in Version => 5.8.1