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View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003750SOGoBackend Generalpublic2017-02-15 15:44
Reporterhkunz Assigned Tofrancis  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platform[Server] LinuxOSDebianOS Version8 (Jessie)
Product Version3.1.2 
Fixed in Version3.1.5 
Summary0003750: LDAP addressbook: Proxy Error when user has more than one descritpion field

I use my LDAP users as global address book. Whenever I select a user with more than one description entries, I get a Proxy Error in the webclient and no user data is shown. At the same time, a sogod child crashes (see log below).

If I delete all but one description entries in the LDAP directory for such a particular user, the problem does not occur. Therefore it appears that SOGo cannot handle LDAP users with more than one description entry.

Steps To Reproduce

Select a user from an LDAP directory with more than one description entry.

Additional Information

2016-06-28 12:38:46.895 sogod[26752] -[NGLdapConnection _searchAtBaseDN:qualifier:attributes:scope:]: search at base 'ou=people,dc=ifi,dc=uzh,dc=ch' filter '(uid=geppert)' for attrs ''
2016-06-28 12:38:46.912 sogod[27851] PostgreSQL72 connection established: <0x0x7f5239bbda00[PGConnection] : connection=0x0x7f5239bab140>
2016-06-28 12:38:46.912 sogod[27851] PostgreSQL72 channel 0x0x7f5239b23170 opened (connection=<0x0x7f5239bbda00[PGConnection]: connection=0x0x7f5239bab140>)
2016-06-28 12:38:46.913 sogod[27851] PG0x0x7f5239b23170 SQL: SELECT count(
) FROM sogo_user_profile
2016-06-28 12:38:46.913 sogod[27851] PG0x0x7f5239b23170 SQL: SELECT count() FROM sogo_folder_info
2016-06-28 12:38:46.914 sogod[27851] PG0x0x7f5239b23170 SQL: SELECT count(
) FROM sogo_store
2016-06-28 12:38:46.915 sogod[27851] PG0x0x7f5239b23170 SQL: SELECT count() FROM sogo_acl
2016-06-28 12:38:46.915 sogod[27851] PG0x0x7f5239b23170 SQL: SELECT count(
) FROM sogo_cache_folder
2016-06-28 12:38:46.916 sogod[27851] PG0x0x7f5239b23170 SQL: SELECT count() FROM sogo_quick_contact
2016-06-28 12:38:46.916 sogod[27851] PG0x0x7f5239b23170 SQL: SELECT count(
) FROM sogo_quick_appointment
2016-06-28 12:38:46.918 sogod[27851] PG0x0x7f5239b23170 SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_sessions_folder
EXCEPTION: <NSException: 0x7f5239f682e0> NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException REASON:GSInlineArray(instance) does not recognize canBeConvertedToEncoding: INFO:(null)
Jun 28 12:38:46 sogod [22779]: <0x0x7f5239b5f4c0[WOWatchDogChild]> child 26752 exited
Jun 28 12:38:46 sogod [22779]: <0x0x7f5239b5f4c0[WOWatchDogChild]> (terminated due to signal 6)
Jun 28 12:38:46 sogod [22779]: <0x0x7f523985fc80[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 27853

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related to 0004028 resolvedfrancis LDAP Entries with multiple Organization fails 




2016-06-28 11:15

reporter   ~0010440

actually it seems that this error is not specific to the description field. it appears to occur for any field which occurs multiple time in an LDAP record.



2016-06-28 15:38

reporter   ~0010446

occurs also with 3.1.3

Related Changesets

sogo: master 9d65d7c3

2016-08-01 15:55


Details Diff
Support multiple descriptions from LDAP entries

Fixes 0003750
Affected Issues
mod - NEWS Diff File
mod - SoObjects/Contacts/NGVCard+SOGo.h Diff File
mod - SoObjects/Contacts/NGVCard+SOGo.m Diff File
mod - UI/Contacts/UIxContactView.m Diff File
mod - UI/Templates/ContactsUI/UIxContactViewTemplate.wox Diff File
mod - UI/WebServerResources/js/Contacts/Card.service.js Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-06-28 10:41 hkunz New Issue
2016-06-28 11:15 hkunz Note Added: 0010440
2016-06-28 15:38 hkunz Note Added: 0010446
2016-08-01 19:56 francis Changeset attached => sogo master 9d65d7c3
2016-08-01 19:56 francis Assigned To => francis
2016-08-01 19:56 francis Resolution open => fixed
2016-08-01 19:56 francis Status new => resolved
2016-08-01 19:56 francis Fixed in Version => 3.1.5
2017-02-15 15:44 ludovic Relationship added related to 0004028