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View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002024SOGoApple Calendar (Mac OS X)public2012-11-20 20:41
Reportergyurco Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Target Version2.0.3Fixed in Version2.0.3 
Summary0002024: Certain mails don't have From: in Outlook

During Outlook synchronization, certain types of mails don't have the From: address. The web interface shows it correctly. Attached an example.

TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0002084 resolvedludovic Outlook openchange to Outlook openchange messages don not show from. 


2012-10-12 13:46


3063.gz (1,244 bytes)


2012-10-12 14:02

viewer   ~0004624

Which versions are you using of SOGo and OpenChange?



2012-10-12 19:42

reporter   ~0004627

I'm using the latest nightly build



2012-10-25 16:38

reporter   ~0004706

Last edited: 2012-10-25 21:38

I have the same (or similar) issue. It looks like mine can be narrowed down to the following:

The from field is blank in Outlook when the mail was sent from Outlook. When you then click Reply, the To... field is blank and you have to select the user. BUT: In the message body part of Outlook where it quotes the original message it will show: <b>From</b> []

In the web interface it appears fine. When the mail was sent from the web interface the from field is not blank in outlook.
Edit: In the web interface when sent from Outlook it shows the email address in the from field ( and not the common name (Johan Doe) as when you sent it from the web interface.

Hope this help you guys to find the problem.

2012-11-14 15:28


sogo1.jpg (189,989 bytes)   
sogo1.jpg (189,989 bytes)   

2012-11-14 15:28


sogo2.jpg (106,712 bytes)   
sogo2.jpg (106,712 bytes)   


2012-11-14 15:30

reporter   ~0004847

The issue is still there with latest nightly. Uploaded two screenshots which shows the problem: no sender in Outlook2007 with certain mails.



2012-11-14 16:24

reporter   ~0004848

With further invetigation, I think this problem can be seen as two problems actually:

  1. When sending a mail from Outlook with openchnage, the Full name (similar to the "Your Name" field when you configure a POP3 or IMAP account in Outlook) is blank and thus just show the e-mail address as from instead of: Full Name<> (This is clearly visable in the screenshot of gyurco)

  2. When Outlook receives a mail with no "Full Name" (as described) above, it just shows a blank from and not even the e-mail address. This happens if mail was sent from any mail client where the "Full Name" field is blank, not just with openchange/Outlook.

I hope it is clear enough, please let me know if I can provide any more info.



2012-11-19 08:46

reporter   ~0004903

The problem causing this issue seems to be in FillMessageHeadersFromProperties. It seems that the block dealing with the recipients somehow overwrites the "from" assigned before. Moving the line '[headers setObject: QuoteSpecials (from) forKey: @"from"];' as described shown in following example "fixes" the problem and the sender is correctly displayed in outlook. I sure that this is just a hack but maybe it might help someone how really understand the code to fix the issue.

static inline void
FillMessageHeadersFromProperties (NGMutableHashMap headers,
mailProperties, BOOL withBcc,
struct mapistore_connection_info connInfo)
NSString from, recId, messageId, subjectData;
NSArray list;
NSDictionary recipients;
NSUInteger type, bccLimit;

= [SOGoUser
userWithLogin: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: connInfo->username]];

from = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ <%@>",
[activeUser cn], [[activeUser allEmails] objectAtIndex: 0]];
NSLog (@"from header: %@", from);
//move after receipient handling =============================================<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
//[headers setObject: QuoteSpecials (from) forKey: @"from"];

/ save the recipients /
recipients = [mailProperties objectForKey: @"recipients"];
if (recipients)
if (withBcc)
bccLimit = MAPI_BCC;
bccLimit = MAPI_CC;
for (type = MAPI_TO; type < bccLimit; type++)
recId = recTypes[type];
list = MakeRecipientsList ([recipients objectForKey: recId]);
[headers setObjects: list forKey: recId];

  list = MakeRecipientsList ([recipients objectForKey: @&quot;orig&quot;]);

  if (list)
    [headers setObjects: list forKey: @&quot;from&quot;];

NSLog (@"message without recipients");

// moved following line from above =============================================<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[headers setObject: QuoteSpecials (from) forKey: @"from"];

subject = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 128];



2012-11-19 18:09

administrator   ~0004914

Do you see the "recipient not generated from record" message in your logs?



2012-11-19 19:13

reporter   ~0004922

Last edited: 2012-11-19 19:16

No this message is not repored in my logs.
Please find attached FillMessageHeadersFromProperties.m with some additional log messages and above mentioned hack. The attached samba.log is from a test with these additional log-messages.

2012-11-19 19:14


MAPIStoreMailVolatileMessage.m.txt (30,453 bytes)   
/* MAPIStoreMailVolatileMessage.m - this file is part of SOGo
 * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Inverse inc
 * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
 * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

/* TODO:
   - calendar invitations
   - merge some code in a common module with SOGoDraftObject

#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSData.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSTimeZone.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NGHashMap.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSString+Encoding.h>
#import <NGMime/NGMimeBodyPart.h>
#import <NGMime/NGMimeMultipartBody.h>
#import <NGMail/NGMimeMessage.h>
#import <NGMail/NGMimeMessageGenerator.h>
#import <NGImap4/NGImap4Client.h>
#import <NGImap4/NGImap4Connection.h>
#import <SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSCalendarDate+SOGo.h>
#import <SOGo/NSString+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoDomainDefaults.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoMailer.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUser.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUserManager.h>
#import <Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.h>
#import <Mailer/NSString+Mail.h>

#import "MAPIStoreAttachment.h"
#import "MAPIStoreAttachmentTable.h"
#import "MAPIStoreContext.h"
#import "MAPIStoreMailFolder.h"
#import "MAPIStoreMIME.h"
#import "MAPIStoreMapping.h"
#import "MAPIStoreSamDBUtils.h"
#import "MAPIStoreTypes.h"
#import "MAPIStoreUserContext.h"
#import "NSData+MAPIStore.h"
#import "NSObject+MAPIStore.h"
#import "NSString+MAPIStore.h"
#import "SOGoMAPIObject.h"

#import "MAPIStoreMailVolatileMessage.h"

#undef DEBUG
#include <mapistore/mapistore.h>
#include <mapistore/mapistore_errors.h>

static Class NSNumberK = Nil;

static NSString *recTypes[] = { @"orig", @"to", @"cc", @"bcc" };

// Useful extension that comes from Pantomime which is also
// released under the LGPL. We should eventually merge
// this with the same category found in SOPE's NGSmtpClient.m
// or simply drop sope-mime in favor of Pantomime
@interface NSMutableData (DataCleanupExtension)

- (NSRange) rangeOfCString: (const char *) theCString;
- (NSRange) rangeOfCString: (const char *) theCString
                  options: (unsigned int) theOptions
                    range: (NSRange) theRange;

@implementation NSMutableData (DataCleanupExtension)

- (NSRange) rangeOfCString: (const char *) theCString
  return [self rangeOfCString: theCString
               options: 0
               range: NSMakeRange(0,[self length])];

-(NSRange) rangeOfCString: (const char *) theCString
                  options: (unsigned int) theOptions
                    range: (NSRange) theRange
  const char *b, *bytes;
  int i, len, slen;

  if (!theCString)
      return NSMakeRange(NSNotFound,0);

  bytes = [self bytes];
  len = [self length];
  slen = strlen(theCString);

  b = bytes;

  if (len > theRange.location + theRange.length)
      len = theRange.location + theRange.length;

  if (theOptions == NSCaseInsensitiveSearch)
      i = theRange.location;
      b += i;

      for (; i <= len-slen; i++, b++)
          if (!strncasecmp(theCString,b,slen))
              return NSMakeRange(i,slen);
      i = theRange.location;
      b += i;

      for (; i <= len-slen; i++, b++)
          if (!memcmp(theCString,b,slen))
              return NSMakeRange(i,slen);

  return NSMakeRange(NSNotFound,0);


@interface MAPIStoreAttachment (MAPIStoreMIME)

- (BOOL) hasContentId;
- (NGMimeBodyPart *) asMIMEBodyPart;


@implementation MAPIStoreAttachment (MAPIStoreMIME)

- (BOOL) hasContentId
  return ([properties
            objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID_UNICODE)]
          != nil);

- (NGMimeBodyPart *) asMIMEBodyPart
  NGMimeBodyPart *bodyPart = nil;
  NSString *filename, *mimeType, *baseDisposition, *contentType,
    *contentDisposition, *contentId;
  NSData *content;
  struct mapistore_connection_info *connInfo;
  SOGoDomainDefaults *dd;
  SOGoUser *activeUser;
  NGMutableHashMap *map;

  content = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN)];
  if (content)
        = [properties
            objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME_UNICODE)];
      if (![filename length])
          = [properties
            objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_ATTACH_FILENAME_UNICODE)];

      mimeType = [properties
                   objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG_UNICODE)];
      if (!mimeType && [filename length])
        mimeType = [[MAPIStoreMIME sharedMAPIStoreMIME]
                     mimeTypeForExtension: [filename pathExtension]];
      if (!mimeType)
        mimeType = @"application/octet-stream";

      if ([mimeType hasPrefix: @"text/"])
          connInfo = [[self context] connectionInfo];
          activeUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: connInfo->username]];
          dd = [activeUser domainDefaults];
          baseDisposition = ([dd mailAttachTextDocumentsInline]
                             ? @"inline" : @"attachment");
      else if ([mimeType hasPrefix: @"image/"] || [mimeType hasPrefix: @"message"])
        baseDisposition = @"inline";
        baseDisposition = @"attachment";

      if ([filename length] > 0)
          contentType = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@; name=\"%@\"",
                                  mimeType, filename];
          contentDisposition = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@; filename=\"%@\"",
                                         baseDisposition, filename];
          contentType = mimeType;
          contentDisposition = baseDisposition;

      map = [[NGMutableHashMap alloc] initWithCapacity: 16];
      [map addObject: contentType forKey: @"content-type"];
      [map addObject: contentDisposition forKey: @"content-disposition"];
      contentId = [properties
                     objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID_UNICODE)];
      if (contentId)
        [map setObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<%@>", contentId]
                forKey: @"content-id"];
      bodyPart = [NGMimeBodyPart bodyPartWithHeader: map];
      [bodyPart setBody: content];
      [map release];
    [self errorWithFormat: @"no content for attachment"];

  return bodyPart;


@implementation MAPIStoreMailVolatileMessage

+ (void) initialize
  NSNumberK = [NSNumber class];

- (id) initWithSOGoObject: (id) newSOGoObject
              inContainer: (MAPIStoreObject *) newContainer
  if ((self = [super initWithSOGoObject: newSOGoObject
                            inContainer: newContainer]))
      ASSIGN (properties, [sogoObject properties]);

  return self;

- (void) addProperties: (NSDictionary *) newProperties
  [super addProperties: newProperties];
  [sogoObject adjustLastModified];

- (BOOL) canGetProperty: (enum MAPITAGS) propTag
  return ([super canGetProperty: propTag]
          || [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (propTag)] != nil);

- (uint64_t) objectVersion
  NSNumber *version;

  version = [properties objectForKey: @"version"];

  return (version
          ? exchange_globcnt ([version unsignedLongLongValue])
          : ULLONG_MAX);

- (int) getPidTagMessageClass: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
  *data = [@"IPM.Note" asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx];


- (int) getPidTagChangeKey: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
  NSData *changeKey;
  int rc;

  changeKey = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_CHANGE_KEY)];
  if (changeKey)
      *data = [changeKey asBinaryInMemCtx: memCtx];
    rc = [super getPidTagChangeKey: data inMemCtx: memCtx];

  return rc;

- (NSDate *) creationTime
  return [sogoObject creationDate];

- (NSDate *) lastModificationTime
  return [sogoObject lastModified];

- (id) lookupAttachment: (NSString *) childKey
  return [attachmentParts objectForKey: childKey];

- (void) getMessageData: (struct mapistore_message **) dataPtr
               inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
  NSArray *recipients;
  NSUInteger count, max, recipientsMax, p, current;
  NSString *username, *cn, *email;
  NSData *entryId;
  NSDictionary *allRecipients, *dict, *contactInfos;
  SOGoUserManager *mgr;
  struct ldb_context *samCtx;
  struct mapistore_message *msgData;
  struct mapistore_message_recipient *recipient;
  enum ulRecipClass type;

  samCtx = [[self context] connectionInfo]->sam_ctx;

  // [super getMessageData: &msgData inMemCtx: memCtx];

  msgData = talloc_zero (memCtx, struct mapistore_message);

  allRecipients = [properties objectForKey: @"recipients"];
  msgData->columns = set_SPropTagArray (msgData, 9,

  /* Retrieve recipients from the message */
  max = ([[allRecipients objectForKey: @"orig"] count]
         + [[allRecipients objectForKey: @"to"] count]
         + [[allRecipients objectForKey: @"cc"] count]
         + [[allRecipients objectForKey: @"bcc"] count]);

  mgr = [SOGoUserManager sharedUserManager];
  msgData->recipients_count = max;
  msgData->recipients = talloc_array (msgData, struct mapistore_message_recipient, max);
  current = 0;
  for (type = 0; type < 4; type++)
      recipients = [allRecipients objectForKey: recTypes[type]];
      recipientsMax = [recipients count];
      for (count = 0; count < recipientsMax; count++)
          recipient = msgData->recipients + current;
          recipient->type = type;

          dict = [recipients objectAtIndex: count];
          cn = [dict objectForKey: @"fullName"];
          email = [dict objectForKey: @"email"];

          contactInfos = [mgr contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: email];
          if (contactInfos)
              username = [contactInfos objectForKey: @"c_uid"];
              recipient->username = [username asUnicodeInMemCtx: msgData];
              entryId = MAPIStoreInternalEntryId (samCtx, username);
              recipient->username = NULL;
              entryId = MAPIStoreExternalEntryId (cn, email);

          /* properties */
          p = 0;
          recipient->data = talloc_array (msgData, void *, msgData->columns->cValues);
          memset (recipient->data, 0, msgData->columns->cValues * sizeof (void *));

          recipient->data[p] = MAPILongValue (msgData, MAPI_MAILUSER);

          recipient->data[p] = MAPILongValue (msgData, 0);

          recipient->data[p] = [cn asUnicodeInMemCtx: msgData];

          recipient->data[p] = [email asUnicodeInMemCtx: msgData];

          // PR_SEND_INTERNET_ENCODING = 0x00060000 (plain text, see OXCMAIL)
          recipient->data[p] = MAPILongValue (msgData, 0x00060000);

          recipient->data[p] = [cn asUnicodeInMemCtx: msgData];

          recipient->data[p] = MAPILongValue (msgData, 0x01);

          recipient->data[p] = [entryId asBinaryInMemCtx: msgData];

          recipient->data[p] = MAPILongValue (msgData, 0x00);

  *dataPtr = msgData;

static inline NSString *
MakeRecipientString (NSDictionary *recipient)
  NSString *fullName, *email, *fullEmail;

  fullName = [recipient objectForKey: @"fullName"];
      NSLog (@"tfu fullName %@", fullName);
  email = [recipient objectForKey: @"email"];
      NSLog (@"tfu email %@", email);
  if ([email length] > 0)
      if ([fullName length] > 0)
        fullEmail = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ <%@>", fullName, email];
        fullEmail = email;
      NSLog (@"recipient not generated from record: %@", recipient);
      fullEmail = nil;

      NSLog (@"tfu fullEmail %@", fullEmail);
  return fullEmail;

static inline NSArray *
MakeRecipientsList (NSArray *recipients)
  NSMutableArray *list;
  NSUInteger count, max;
  NSString *recipient;

  max = [recipients count];
  list = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
  for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
      recipient = MakeRecipientString ([recipients objectAtIndex: count]);
      NSLog (@"tfu rv recipient: %@", recipient);
      if (recipient)
        [list addObject: recipient];

  return list;

static NSString *
QuoteSpecials (NSString *address)
  NSString *result, *part, *s2;
  int i, len;

  // We want to correctly send mails to recipients such as :
  // foo (bar) <>
  // bar, foo <>
  if ([address indexOf: '('] >= 0 || [address indexOf: ')'] >= 0
      || [address indexOf: '<'] >= 0 || [address indexOf: '>'] >= 0
      || [address indexOf: '@'] >= 0 || [address indexOf: ','] >= 0
      || [address indexOf: ';'] >= 0 || [address indexOf: ':'] >= 0
      || [address indexOf: '\\'] >= 0 || [address indexOf: '"'] >= 0
      || [address indexOf: '.'] >= 0
      || [address indexOf: '['] >= 0 || [address indexOf: ']'] >= 0)
      // We search for the first instance of < from the end
      // and we quote what was before if we need to
      len = [address length];
      i = -1;
      while (len--)
        if ([address characterAtIndex: len] == '<')
            i = len;

      if (i > 0)
          part = [address substringToIndex: i - 1];
          s2 = [[part stringByReplacingString: @"\\" withString: @"\\\\"]
                     stringByReplacingString: @"\"" withString: @"\\\""];
          result = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"\"%@\" %@", s2, [address substringFromIndex: i]];
          s2 = [[address stringByReplacingString: @"\\" withString: @"\\\\"]
                     stringByReplacingString: @"\"" withString: @"\\\""];
          result = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"\"%@\"", s2];
    result = address;

  NSLog (@"from string: %@", result);
  return result;

static inline void
FillMessageHeadersFromProperties (NGMutableHashMap *headers,
                                  NSDictionary *mailProperties, BOOL withBcc,
                                  struct mapistore_connection_info *connInfo)
  NSMutableString *subject;
  NSString *from, *recId, *messageId, *subjectData;
  NSArray *list;
  NSCalendarDate *date;
  NSDictionary *recipients;
  NSUInteger type, bccLimit;
  SOGoUser *activeUser;

    = [SOGoUser
        userWithLogin: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: connInfo->username]];

  from = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ <%@>",
                   [activeUser cn], [[activeUser allEmails] objectAtIndex: 0]];
  NSLog (@"from header: %@", from);
  [headers setObject: QuoteSpecials (from) forKey: @"from"];

  /* save the recipients */
  recipients = [mailProperties objectForKey: @"recipients"];
  if (recipients)
      if (withBcc)
        bccLimit = MAPI_BCC;
        bccLimit = MAPI_CC;
      for (type = MAPI_TO; type < bccLimit; type++)
          recId = recTypes[type];
  NSLog (@"tfu type: %@", recId);
          list = MakeRecipientsList ([recipients objectForKey: recId]);
          [headers setObjects: list forKey: recId];

  NSLog (@"fromxx recipients: %@", recipients);

      list = MakeRecipientsList ([recipients objectForKey: @"orig"]);
  NSLog (@"from tfutfutfu2: %@", list);
      if (list)
        [headers setObjects: list forKey: @"from"];
    NSLog (@"message without recipients");

  [headers setObject: QuoteSpecials (from) forKey: @"from"];

  subject = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 128];
  subjectData = [mailProperties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX_UNICODE)];
  if (subjectData)
    [subject appendString: subjectData];
  subjectData = [mailProperties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT_UNICODE)];
  if (subjectData)
    [subject appendString: subjectData];
  [headers setObject: [subject asQPSubjectString: @"utf-8"] forKey: @"subject"];

  messageId = [mailProperties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID_UNICODE)];
  if ([messageId length])
    [headers setObject: messageId forKey: @"message-id"];

  date = [mailProperties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME)];
  NSLog (@"from subject: %@", subject);
  NSLog (@"from date: %@", date);

  if (date)
      date = [date addYear: 0 month: 0 day: 0
                      hour: 0 minute: 0 second: [[date timeZone] secondsFromGMT]];
      [headers addObject: [date rfc822DateString] forKey: @"date"];
  NSLog (@"from headerxx: %@", headers);
  [headers addObject: @"1.0" forKey: @"MIME-Version"];

static NSArray *
MakeAttachmentParts (NSDictionary *attachmentParts, BOOL withContentId)
  NSMutableArray *attachmentMimeParts;
  NSArray *keys;
  MAPIStoreAttachment *attachment;
  NSUInteger count, max;
  NGMimeBodyPart *mimePart;

  keys = [attachmentParts allKeys];
  max = [keys count];
  attachmentMimeParts = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
  for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
      attachment = [attachmentParts
                     objectForKey: [keys objectAtIndex: count]];
      if ([attachment hasContentId] == withContentId)
          mimePart = [attachment asMIMEBodyPart];
          if (mimePart)
            [attachmentMimeParts addObject: mimePart];

  return attachmentMimeParts;

static inline id
MakeTextPlainBody (NSDictionary *mailProperties, NSString **contentType)
  id textPlainBody;

  textPlainBody = [[mailProperties
                      objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_BODY_UNICODE)]
                    dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
  *contentType = @"text/plain; charset=utf-8";

  return textPlainBody;

static inline id
MakeTextHtmlBody (NSDictionary *mailProperties, NSDictionary *attachmentParts,
                  NSString **contentType)
  id textHtmlBody;
  NSData *htmlBody;
  NSString *charset, *htmlContentType;
  NSArray *parts;
  NSNumber *codePage;
  NGMimeBodyPart *htmlBodyPart;
  NGMutableHashMap *headers;
  NSUInteger count, max;

  htmlBody = [mailProperties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_HTML)];
  if (htmlBody)
      /* charset */
      codePage = [mailProperties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_INTERNET_CPID)];
      switch ([codePage intValue])
        case 20127:
          charset = @"us-ascii";
        case 28605:
          charset = @"iso-8859-15";
        case 65001:
          charset = @"utf-8";
        case 28591:
          charset = @"iso-8859-1";
      htmlContentType = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"text/html; charset=%@",

      parts = MakeAttachmentParts (attachmentParts, YES);
      max = [parts count];
      if (max > 0)
          textHtmlBody = [NGMimeMultipartBody new];
          [textHtmlBody autorelease];

          headers = [[NGMutableHashMap alloc] initWithCapacity: 1];
          [headers setObject: htmlContentType forKey: @"content-type"];
          htmlBodyPart = [NGMimeBodyPart bodyPartWithHeader: headers];
          [htmlBodyPart setBody: htmlBody];
          [headers release];
          [textHtmlBody addBodyPart: htmlBodyPart];

          for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
            [textHtmlBody addBodyPart: [parts objectAtIndex: count]];

          *contentType = @"multipart/related";
          textHtmlBody = htmlBody;
          *contentType = htmlContentType;
    textHtmlBody = nil;

  return textHtmlBody;

static inline id
MakeTextPartBody (NSDictionary *mailProperties, NSDictionary *attachmentParts,
                  NSString **contentType)
  id textBody, textPlainBody, textHtmlBody;
  NSString *textPlainContentType, *textHtmlContentType;
  NGMutableHashMap *headers;
  NGMimeBodyPart *bodyPart;

  textPlainBody = MakeTextPlainBody (mailProperties, &textPlainContentType);
  textHtmlBody = MakeTextHtmlBody (mailProperties, attachmentParts, &textHtmlContentType);
  if (textPlainBody)
      if (textHtmlBody)
          textBody = [NGMimeMultipartBody new];
          [textBody autorelease];

          headers = [[NGMutableHashMap alloc] initWithCapacity: 1];
          [headers setObject: textHtmlContentType forKey: @"content-type"];
          bodyPart = [NGMimeBodyPart bodyPartWithHeader: headers];
          [bodyPart setBody: textHtmlBody];
          [headers release];
          [textBody addBodyPart: bodyPart];

          headers = [[NGMutableHashMap alloc] initWithCapacity: 1];
          [headers setObject: textPlainContentType forKey: @"content-type"];
          bodyPart = [NGMimeBodyPart bodyPartWithHeader: headers];
          [bodyPart setBody: textPlainBody];
          [headers release];
          [textBody addBodyPart: bodyPart];

          *contentType = @"multipart/alternative";
          textBody = textPlainBody;
          *contentType = textPlainContentType;
      textBody = textHtmlBody;
      *contentType = textHtmlContentType;

  return textBody;

// static id
// MakeMessageBody (NSDictionary *mailProperties, NSDictionary *attachmentParts,
//                  NSString **contentType)
static id
MakeMessageBody (NSDictionary *mailProperties, NSDictionary *attachmentParts, NSString **contentType)
  id messageBody, textBody;
  NSString *textContentType;
  NSArray *parts;
  NGMimeBodyPart *textBodyPart;
  NGMutableHashMap *headers;
  NSUInteger count, max;

  textBody = MakeTextPartBody (mailProperties, attachmentParts,

  parts = MakeAttachmentParts (attachmentParts, NO);
  max = [parts count];
  if (max > 0)
      messageBody = [NGMimeMultipartBody new];
      [messageBody autorelease];

      if (textBody)
          headers = [[NGMutableHashMap alloc] initWithCapacity: 1];
          [headers setObject: textContentType forKey: @"content-type"];
          textBodyPart = [NGMimeBodyPart bodyPartWithHeader: headers];
          [textBodyPart setBody: textBody];
          [headers release];
          [messageBody addBodyPart: textBodyPart];

      for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
        [messageBody addBodyPart: [parts objectAtIndex: count]];

      *contentType = @"multipart/mixed";
      messageBody = textBody;
      *contentType = textContentType;

  return messageBody;

- (NGMimeMessage *) _generateMessageWithBcc: (BOOL) withBcc
  NSString *contentType;
  NGMimeMessage *message;
  NGMutableHashMap *headers;
  id messageBody;

  headers = [[NGMutableHashMap alloc] initWithCapacity: 16];
  FillMessageHeadersFromProperties (headers, properties, withBcc,
                                    [[self context] connectionInfo]);
  message = [[NGMimeMessage alloc] initWithHeader: headers];
  [message autorelease];
  [headers release];

  messageBody = MakeMessageBody (properties, attachmentParts, &contentType);
  if (messageBody)
      [headers setObject: contentType forKey: @"content-type"];
      [message setBody: messageBody];

  return message;

- (NSData *) _generateMailDataWithBcc: (BOOL) withBcc
  NGMimeMessage *message;
  NGMimeMessageGenerator *generator;
  NSData *messageData;

  /* mime message generation */
  generator = [NGMimeMessageGenerator new];
  message = [self _generateMessageWithBcc: withBcc];
  messageData = [generator generateMimeFromPart: message];
  [generator release];

  [messageData writeToFile: @"/tmp/mimegen.eml" atomically: NO];

  return messageData;

- (int) submitWithFlags: (enum SubmitFlags) flags
  NSDictionary *recipients;
  NSData *messageData;
  NSMutableArray *recipientEmails;
  NSArray *list;
  NSString *recId, *from, *msgClass;
  NSUInteger count;
  SOGoUser *activeUser;
  SOGoDomainDefaults *dd;
  NSException *error;
  WOContext *woContext;
  id <SOGoAuthenticator> authenticator;

  msgClass = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidTagMessageClass)];
  if ([msgClass isEqualToString: @"IPM.Note"]) /* we skip invitation replies */
      /* send mail */

      messageData = [self _generateMailDataWithBcc: NO];

      recipientEmails = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 32];
      recipients = [properties objectForKey: @"recipients"];
      for (count = 0; count < 3; count++)
          recId = recTypes[count];
          list = [recipients objectForKey: recId];
            addObjectsFromArray: [list objectsForKey: @"email"
                                      notFoundMarker: nil]];

      activeUser = [[self context] activeUser];

      dd = [activeUser domainDefaults];
      from = [[activeUser allEmails] objectAtIndex: 0];

      woContext = [[self userContext] woContext];
      authenticator = [sogoObject authenticatorInContext: woContext];
      error = [[SOGoMailer mailerWithDomainDefaults: dd]
                       sendMailData: messageData
                       toRecipients: recipientEmails
                             sender: from
                  withAuthenticator: authenticator
                          inContext: woContext];
      if (error)
        [self logWithFormat: @"an error occurred: '%@'", error];

      // mapping = [self mapping];
      // [mapping unregisterURLWithID: [self objectId]];
      // [self setIsNew: NO];
      // [properties removeAllObjects];
      [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *) [self container] cleanupCaches];
    [self logWithFormat: @"skipping submit of message with class '%@'",


- (void) save
  NSString *folderName, *flag, *newIdString, *messageKey;
  NSData *changeKey, *messageData;
  NGImap4Connection *connection;
  NGImap4Client *client;
  SOGoMailFolder *containerFolder;
  NSDictionary *result, *responseResult;
  MAPIStoreMapping *mapping;
  uint64_t mid;

  messageData = [self _generateMailDataWithBcc: YES];

  /* appending to imap folder */
  containerFolder = [container sogoObject];
  connection = [containerFolder imap4Connection];
  client = [connection client];
  folderName = [connection imap4FolderNameForURL: [containerFolder imap4URL]];
  result = [client append: messageData toFolder: folderName
                withFlags: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"seen", nil]];
  if ([[result objectForKey: @"result"] boolValue])
      /* we reregister the new message URL with the id mapper */
      responseResult = [[result objectForKey: @"RawResponse"]
                         objectForKey: @"ResponseResult"];
      flag = [responseResult objectForKey: @"flag"];

      newIdString = [[flag componentsSeparatedByString: @" "]
                      objectAtIndex: 2];
      mapping = [self mapping];
      mid = [self objectId];
      [mapping unregisterURLWithID: mid];
      // [sogoObject setNameInContainer: ];

      messageKey = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.eml", newIdString];
      [sogoObject setNameInContainer: messageKey];
      [mapping registerURL: [self url] withID: mid];

      /* synchronise the cache and update the change key with the one provided
         by the client */
      [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *) container synchroniseCache];
      changeKey = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_CHANGE_KEY)];
      if (changeKey)
        [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *) container
                setChangeKey: changeKey
           forMessageWithKey: messageKey];


2012-11-19 19:15


samba.log (3,327,026 bytes)


2012-11-20 14:17

administrator   ~0004935

Please try this patch:

--- a/OpenChange/MAPIStoreMailVolatileMessage.m
+++ b/OpenChange/MAPIStoreMailVolatileMessage.m
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ FillMessageHeadersFromProperties (NGMutableHashMap *headers,

   list = MakeRecipientsList ([recipients objectForKey: @&quot;orig&quot;]);
  • if (list)
  • if ([list count])
    [headers setObjects: list forKey: @"from"];


2012-11-20 20:08

reporter   ~0004942

Patch works -> sender (from header) is displayed in outlook



2012-11-20 20:39

administrator   ~0004943

Fix pushed:

Thanks for your excellent feedback on this bug, keep up with the good work!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-10-12 13:46 gyurco New Issue
2012-10-12 13:46 gyurco File Added: 3063.gz
2012-10-12 14:02 wsourdeau Note Added: 0004624
2012-10-12 19:42 gyurco Note Added: 0004627
2012-10-25 16:38 lmo566 Note Added: 0004706
2012-10-25 21:38 lmo566 Note Edited: 0004706
2012-11-14 15:28 gyurco File Added: sogo1.jpg
2012-11-14 15:28 gyurco File Added: sogo2.jpg
2012-11-14 15:30 gyurco Note Added: 0004847
2012-11-14 16:24 lmo566 Note Added: 0004848
2012-11-19 08:46 tfu Note Added: 0004903
2012-11-19 18:09 ludovic Note Added: 0004914
2012-11-19 19:13 tfu Note Added: 0004922
2012-11-19 19:14 tfu File Added: MAPIStoreMailVolatileMessage.m.txt
2012-11-19 19:15 tfu File Added: samba.log
2012-11-19 19:16 tfu Note Edited: 0004922
2012-11-20 14:17 ludovic Note Added: 0004935
2012-11-20 16:52 ludovic Relationship added has duplicate 0002084
2012-11-20 20:08 tfu Note Added: 0004942
2012-11-20 20:39 ludovic Note Added: 0004943
2012-11-20 20:39 ludovic Status new => closed
2012-11-20 20:39 ludovic Resolution open => fixed
2012-11-20 20:39 ludovic Fixed in Version => trunk
2012-11-20 20:40 ludovic Project SOGo Native Outlook Compatibility (obsolete) => SOGo
2012-11-20 20:41 ludovic Category => Apple
2012-11-20 20:41 ludovic Fixed in Version trunk => 2.0.3
2012-11-20 20:41 ludovic Target Version => 2.0.3
2014-09-26 18:08 ludovic Category Apple => Apple Calendar (Mac OS X)